9/3/2022 update:
Website analytics tell me that this article from 13 years ago had three views in the last seven days. I'd almost forgotten about writing it. I published this entry later the same day, after my far more profound article, WHY I LEFT (published 3-7-2009).
Today, I reread what I'd written and updated the formatting and font size. I did not change any wording in the original article.
This article was my same-day online “customer survey,” after a frustrating Walmart “shopping experience.” I don't shop at Walmart, unless absolutely necessary.
A generic, automated, same-day email reply from Walmart to my online comments completely missed the mark! The automated Walmart email thought that my comments were about a merchandise purchase! My comments were about unavailable products. Later that day, I replied by email to Walmart's automated email, directing a real, human employee to read and respond properly to my comments. I never did receive a response.
the way, on 9/3/1959, my father and mother were married! I arrived 10
months and 14 days later! Thanks,
Mom and Dad, for giving me life!
My Online Comments to Walmart Today
Dear Walmart, I appreciate the opportunity to address my “store experience” of earlier today, Saturday, March 7, 2009. I shopped at Store #1319. I regret that your online survey disallowed comments, but, after searching through your website maze, I found this online means to express myself.
Furthermore, I am skeptical that change will arise from these remarks. At least, I may vent by this means. I am a lowly customer, who, by sheer practicality, may continue to shop, less often, at Walmart, since few similar options are available conveniently. Oh, a Target is nearby. Perhaps I will shop there more frequently. I am one of many, who shop at Walmart, but who desire other options. The Lowes employee, who assured me by phone earlier that Lowes stocks my bulbs, shared a similar view. Unfortunately, you have eliminated much of the competition. My skepticism arises from my opinion that your concern, as a "retail giant," for one customer is lost in the larger world of number-crunching profitability.
The crux of my “experience” is that I am extremely frustrated by key items being unavailable, while surrounded by a million products. It is not ironic? Interestingly, I interacted with two other shoppers, who also sought products that were not available.
Now, to the specifics of my “experience,” despite buying other items, the primary intent of my shopping was to purchase (1) four 21-inch fluorescent bulbs (better stock up, since they are rarely available!), (2) black, blue, red, and yellow ink cartridges for my Brother MFC-420CN printer, and (3) Pantene Curls mousse for my wife. Of course, these items were not available. I would have spent almost $100.00 more. That is $100.00 in your debt column and one frustrated shopper in your credit column, hardly a winning balance sheet for Walmart.
I am not one who gives up, walks out, and returns another day, in hope of finding these items. Instead, I extracted my pound of flesh from your polite and understanding management. Gregg was very helpful, as he inquired from others, regarding the availability of the bulbs and cartridges. By his assistance, I learned that Walmart darn well has no intent to ever stock the 21-inch fluorescent bulbs. Why? I don’t know, nor does Gregg. The fixture is only five years old. 21-inch bulbs should have their rightful place, between the 18-inch and 24-inch selections. Is Walmart prejudiced against 21-inch bulbs? Alas, I jest! Again, from Gregg’s inquiries, I learned that Walmart no longer sells Brother printers; hence, I understand why the store will not continue to carry the cartridges. (Sorry, Brother. You must not have jumped through all the hoops to have your products placed on the coveted Walmart shelves.) The lingering question, however, is: Why can I find black, red, and yellow cartridges at Store #2310 and find only red cartridges at Store #1319, but I can’t find the necessary blue cartridge at either store? Is Walmart prejudiced against blue? Is that not one of your store colors? But, again, I jest!
What is my solution? Well, I found the mousse at CVS, buying two bottles at $4.49 each. Lowes has my 21-inch bulbs at $5.98 each. I plan to buy four. Office Max has all four of my cartridges, at a total cost of $63.98. I will shop more at Target, Dollar General, CVS, Office Max, and Lowes.
What is your loss? $96.88 in sales. What is your “gain?” One disgruntled customer, who will share his experience with others. Yes, this entry is posted on my personal website! This article expands my online comments to you from earlier today. Your comments web page restricted the number of characters. Here, I am free to write as many lines as I wish. What is your solution? Let’s see if you respond. I will not hold my breath.