
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Four Hikes in Four Days! (published 11-14-2010)

The Appalachian Irishman was on the verge of insanity! He was overworked and over stressed. He needed a week off. Instead, he took two days, Thursday and Friday, October 28 and 29. He had a plan. De-stress. Unwind. Free his mind. Let nature, the woods, and the ridgelines work their healing. Four days off, counting the weekend, equaled four hikes, in four days, in four different locations!

On Thursday, the Appalachian Irishman hiked his nearby and beloved, House Mountain, for the 72nd time overall and for the eighth time this year. Some years ago, on the north bluff, a true patriot planted an American flag. Enjoy the views!

On Friday, I chose Panther Creek State Park, in Hamblen County. Regrettably, I had not hiked in the park before. I don’t know why. One trail led down to Cherokee Lake. Another followed an inlet. Walk along with me. Yes, I found a cactus in the woods!

The Saturday hike was at Norris Dam Park, north of Knoxville. This was my fifth hike there this year. I didn’t have many good opportunities to photograph, but I found the backcountry campsite, for future reference. The gravesite marks the earthly remains of those, who once called the area home, many years ago. My mind dwelt on how those folks must have lived back then. (I should have been born 160 years before I was!) I made my own trail along a ridge, near the campsite, and stealthily photographed the boat through the trees. The foundations of two structures indicate where a Civilian Conservation Corps camp was located in the 1930’s.

Well, on Sunday, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman braved the wilderness with me, on a hike in Cumberland Gap State Park. Last year, we visited the park around our birthdays, but we didn’t hike. We trekked along a trail that led past an old Civil War fortification. Signs of the earthwork lines are still present. A large hole, not photographed, marks where powder storage caught fire and exploded many years ago. I stood on the spot, where the “guvermint” bureaucrats say that three states meet. Again, I didn’t choose many photograph opportunities. The image of yours truly is on a knob, near the cross roads of the Wilderness Road and the Daniel Boone trail. The large rock is called Indian Rock. Yes, I had to climb on it!

The time in the woods, over four days, restored my soul, rested my mind, and energized my body. It is my calling to hike, explore, camp, photograph, and write. Does anyone need an enthusiastic trail/camping guide or a nature photographer/writer? May the dream become a reality for the Appalachian Irishman!


TheHellNOITGuy said...

I know why the Appalachian Irishman has never hiked Panther Creek before. It puts him too close to the HellNOITGuy. And we all know when that happens then. There is usually a signifigant upgrade in both law enforcement and special forces are moved into the area to secure priority targets. And if we ever get together adding a Suttle difference, we have actually caused entire Police departments resign in disgust and aggrivation. Drop me amessage, AI. I have a scouting mission for you. In Hawkins Co. Intrigued?

M. Fearghail said...

Well, well, a man after my own heart, it seems! Yes, those guvermint socialist law types should stay on the alert!

What's the scouting mission in my beloved, native, Hawkins County? I'm intrigued by your subtle remark!

My e-mail is listed on the upper right of my blog.

TheHellNOITGuy said...

AI, there is a little known,peaceful valley in Hawkins. Past the ol\ home place, down past hickory Cove, on beyond Kyle's Ford, in the land of King Arthur. (no, not that one!). Do you know it? Heard the rumors of it's existance? The legends?

It you carefully reread the first comment, you know the HellNOITguy.

M. Fearghail said...

Sounds like an outdoors trek in the making. I see Cam a lot there, don't you?

Tim said...

Great blog, and great post. All areas we are familiar with. Although we haven't hiked at Panther Creek Park we have rode the bikes there before. Norris is practically in our backyard. The CCC Camp was that Camp Sam? That's one we haven't been to as of yet but will before much longer.

Looking forward to more posts and pics.


M. Fearghail said...

Thanks for your kind comment, Tim. Yes, it's Camp Sam! You and your wife have an outstanding blog as well! We are kindred spirits! Keep in touch!