
Sunday, June 30, 2019

WEIGEL’S TO “EXXOFF” TO WEIGEL’S, WITHIN LIFE CONTEXT (published 6-30-2019; updated 11-9-2022)

11/9/2022 Update

Early this morning, on 11/9/2022, website analytics showed that this article was viewed once in the last 24 hours. Who viewed it? I don't know. I reread what I'd published on Sunday, 6/30/2019.

Today, I added this update, and I improved the grammar and style of the original article, which follows. I had written this article in a hurry. The topic was “life, such as it was,” from March to June 2019, in the context of eleven gasoline fill-ups.

Eleven Fill-Ups, in the Context of Life

On Thursday, 3/28/2019, as had been known for a while, the Weigel’s in our “great metropolis” closed, to be destroyed and reborn as the new, improved, and larger Weigel’s. (The new store now stands on the same spot.) I was driving home from “the Hadean realm,” on an appropriately rainy day, and saw the closed signs.

In late March, that meant that this Appalachian Irishman had to buy 100% gasoline at the “Exxoff,” which is across the road. Their sole 100% gasoline pump stands alone, at a corner. I don't burn 10% sugared gasoline in my new ol' truck. I didn't burn it in my dearly departed old ol' truck.

You have to go in, state 100% gasoline fill-up, leave a credit card, fill up, return, and pay. For the following ten times, within the context of life, as noted, I “enjoyed” filling up at the “Exxoff.” All dates are Saturdays, unless otherwise noted. My “bionic” right foot certainly did not like all the extra steps on the asphalt and concrete. Eleven fill-ups are listed. One was in Morristown.

(1) 3/30/2019, first tank: After my solo hike at Norris Dam State Park, I filled up for the first time. My “bionic” right foot is not bothered as much on a hike in the woods (on natural soil). Asphalt and concrete aggravate my foot harshly.

(2) 4/6/2019, second tank: On Tuesday, 4/2/2019, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had minor outpatient surgery, to remove a “lump of fat” (as I call it). The next day, I took another day off from work, to tend to Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, who was recovering well. Also, on that Wednesday, I had a tooth re-patched. (On 2/24/2012, my lower, left, and front tooth had been patched. That patch had popped off.) After that dental visit, I hiked “My Mountain” (House Mountain) for the 158th time! On 4/6/2019, I had a haircut, went to the Tractor Supply, and bought gasoline.

(3) 4/13/2019, third tank: For other details, see the 4/13/2019 article, “4-13-2019: Papaw Ferrell's Birthday in 1880 & Ruger Replaced.” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman was with me. Yes, I filled up with gasoline.

(4) 4/21/2019, fourth tank, on Resurrection Sunday: The 4/21/2019 article, “Good Friday – Passover 4-19-2019,” describes our visit, on 4/20/2019, with my youngest brother and his family.

On the afternoon of 4/21/2019, after having visited with the in-laws, I was alone to buy gasoline. A very friendly female employee, about my age, worked on the purchase. She tried to upsell me a corn dog. I declined politely. (I had told the in-laws, before leaving, that I needed to “hunt me a corn dog,” but I did eat a bite, before leaving their house.)

The overly friendly female employee – on Resurrection Sunday, of all days – tried to “upsell” herself! She stated, with a smile and a blink, “I can give you whatever you want!” That’s the first pass that any woman has made at me, since I acquired “bionic body parts” in 2016! That was just funny! Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, however, was not amused, once I told her!

4/27/2019, note: I filled up with 100% gasoline in west Morristown, after Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I enjoyed a fine visit with three good friends and the father of one friend. By the way, that's also the day when a CD got stuck in the CD player of my new ol' truck. Does anyone know how to get it out? I’ll pay good money for help! Yes, it’s still stuck!

(5) 5/5/2019, Sunday, fifth tank: It was a rainy day, two days after the birthday of a good friend. I “love” to fill up the tank in the rain.

(6) 5/11/2019, sixth tank: I had conversed by phone with the man, whose son mows the yard at the homeplace. They're in business together. That was a fine conversation!

(7) 5/18/2019, seventh tank: Two days before the fill-up, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I celebrated, within the context of routine work days, our thirty-third wedding anniversary. Aside from getting gasoline, on 5/18/2019, we also shop-vacuumed the basement and tried to patch a leaking pipe.

(8) 5/25/2019, eighth tank: Mrs. Appalachian Irishman was with me for the fill-up. She was hunting for the previously mentioned female flirter! The flirter wasn't there. Before the fill-up, we visited with a good neighbor and friend, who was hospitalized in the intensive care unit. We could only visit at a distance.

(9) 6/1/2019, ninth tank: This was the first day of meteorological summer! Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I visited our good neighbor and his wife. He was still hospitalized, but in a regular room. Several days later, he was able to return home, fully recovered.

Afterward, we bought gasoline, and Mrs. Appalachian Irishman hunted for the flirter! The flirter was there, but Mrs. Appalachian Irishman didn’t see her! I saw her. I kept my mouth shut! It was just funny!

I still haven’t told my “long-suffering” wife. I don’t want her to go to jail for assaulting the flirter! (If she has read this article, she hasn't yet made a comment!)

Finally, we went to the IGA. I walked from the IGA to the nearby Dollar General Store to buy a new beard trimmer. My “bionic” right foot and knee took the pounding on the asphalt but “talked” to me.

(10) 6/9/2019, tenth tank: For serious details, see the 6/9/2019 article, “Life Changes – Hunt Down the SOB!” Today was the eleventh and final 100% gasoline fill-up at the “Exxoff.” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I had visited her folks. The weather was cooler, so she stayed in the truck. The female flirter was there again! You should have come into the store with me, dear!


The brief article -- “6/15/2019 Gas Update!” -- mentions the first purchase of 100% gasoline at the new and improved Weigel's. Yesterday, 6/29/2019, I filled up at the new store for the third time.

By the way, the female flirter doesn’t work at the new Weigel’s!

As another point of humor, my desk calendar shows that tomorrow, July 1st, is Canada Day. Why is that on the calendar? What is Canada Day?

As a closing thought, I have plans for a four-day “retirement” (time off work) from July 4th through the 7th. Let’s see what happens!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

JUST FOR FUN (published 6-29-2019)

On this “it’s hot; it’s dang hot” late Saturday afternoon, you have found a just-for-fun article! Ain’t it great!

Today, I did the usual stuff: hauled off trash, got a haircut (a week early), got a good truck washing, shopped at Tractor Supply, got gas, etc. It was the usual mundane whatever.

In that mundane context, there were three points of humor. First, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I had the dubious “joy” of providing PRN doggy daycare for her sister's daughter. She has a “dogcat” named Pepper. Pepper, a female, is a small dog that acts more like a cat. That “dogcat” isn’t sleeping here overnight again! The only time she did was on March 22-23 this year. It was far too traumatic for Molly, our fine, good, and regular dog, and us!

Second, a good friend in Arkansas finally figured out that he should reply to my response to his last email. My response was barely over a year ago. He figured out the details. I won’t wait a year until I reply to him. It’s just funny! A year, as in a life, is just a blink of an eye anyway. No worries, my good friend!

Third, I sent an online message to a local radio show host, whom I do respect as a fellow Christian, regarding the name of his Sunday TV show. The name is “Anything is Possible.” For fun, I quibbled with him that the show should be named “Anything that is Possible is Possible,” since the logically impossible is not possible!

Oh, just do some research into the classic moral argument for the existence of the God of the Bible or into the atheist’s argument from the so-called problem of evil. The atheist's argument can be turned around on him and into an argument for the existence of the God of the Bible.

I would go into more theological and logical detail, but it’s about 5 PM. I’m hungry, and my sister-in-law just now arrived to pick up “dogcat!”

Thursday, June 27, 2019

THE CHALLENGE STATUS UPDATE (published 6-27-2019)

This is a brief follow up to my 6/23/2019 article that mentioned “the challenge status,” of my interaction with a local atheist group. On 6/26/2019, Wednesday, the atheist show was again on the local TV channel. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, Molly, and I watched. (Molly wasn’t too interested). The usual boring dribble started.

I almost changed the channel. Just in time, a guy called in! He asked, regarding my 6/19/2019 call in to the show and my debate challenge.

The caller questioned the two atheists – the older man, with whom I’d talked on 6/23/2019, and a younger atheist. He wanted to know the status of my debate challenge.

I listened, in glee, as the older atheist squirmed and made various points of reply. It was grand to watch a caller wonder why the older atheist hasn’t taken the next step yet! The caller was my “devil’s advocate!”

Well, as of this article, I have had no further response from the older atheist. I doubt that I’ll receive one! Who knows? If my “bionic” body can endure the asphalt and concrete, I may surprise the atheists at their local, weekly gathering spot that I know.

My purpose will be to help the atheists toward theism, eventually, to bring them to salvation through Jesus, by God’s grace.

Let’s see what happens!

Sunday, June 23, 2019


The Challenge Status

6/19/2019, Wednesday: Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I are home -- after my “rich, full” workday and after her final day of a two-day unpaid “training,” during her summer vacation from work.

We’re relaxing, with Molly on the couch between us. Channel surfing found the usual local access channel. The atheist show was on live this time!

Knowing me as I do, I had to call in, again. It’d been a few months since my last call in. I cut to the chase. I offered to engage them in a public, formal debate, with details to be of mutual agreement. Off the air, I swapped e-mail and phone numbers with the main atheist. To my surprise, he called about 9 PM, for about a 20-minute conversation. He seemed interested. He stated that he would post feedback requests from his group, on their websites (one on “Farcebook,” the other an actual site).

I expected to receive an e-mail from the man or, at least, to see where he’d posted his feedback requests on the websites. As of this entry, 6/23/2019, in the evening, I have had no further contact from the gentleman, nor have I seen any website postings.

We’ll see what happens!

Age “6” Birthday Surprise!

On 6/21/2019, Friday, the wife of a good friend, who is also a good friend, attained the age of “6.” (That was one day after my oldest sister-in-law attained Sammy Hagar age. Figure out the song!)

Well, today, we joined many others for a surprise age “6” birthday party for her! A fine time was had by all!

A person attains age “6” only once in a lifetime! Celebrate! We did! (Sorry, I didn't take any photographs.)

Sunday, June 16, 2019


On Granny Wood’s birthday anniversary (in 1901) and Father’s Day, I did House Mountain hike #159! (It was hike #23 with “bionic” body parts.) I told you that I would! Enjoy the photos. I didn’t take a photo, as usual, of my new ol' truck. I was distracted, on leaving, by a young man from Alaska. He was using my passenger side truck windows as a mirror, to do whatever he was doing, to get ready to hike. He was a nice young man. Alaska has winter. Russia has winter. I don’t recall, exactly, when we had a winter, a real winter, here!

It’s the usual west bluff photo, with my trusty canteen in the shot. I made the hike up in 33 minutes. Well, before the “bionic” body parts, on a warm day, 25 minutes would be okay. My usual time is about 30 minutes now, with “bionic” body parts. The heat and wiping sweat slowed me down a bit.

This is the middle bluff, looking west/northwest. You’ve seen similar photos before, as I have taken many. I had a good breeze to cool me off. This view is for you, Granny Wood!

I had hiked up the west trail, then across the ridge east, to the middle bluff. I decided to hike the reverse, coming out. The photo above is the same west trail bluff, where you saw my canteen before. I have to take a different route every now and then!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

6/15/2019 GAS UPDATE!

My one brain cell had a concussion, on 3/29/2016. That’s my excuse, at least, for writing this article!

The biggest news today is that the Weigel's Store in our thriving “metropolis” has been open since Wednesday! The old store was demolished, and a new, bigger, better store is now open.

I bought 100% gas for my new ol' truck today, for the first time since the old store closed and was replaced!

The across the way “Exxoff” won’t get anymore purchases of their 100% gas! The pump stands alone and is hard to get to. It’s progress for our little “metropolis!” (I found the photo, from their website, taken on 6/4/2019, while work was still in progress.)


6/15/2019 UPDATE - Life, “Such As It Is,” in Family Heritage

6/10/2019, Monday

Mrs. Appalachian Irishman is the eldest of three sisters. On this date, my middle sister-in-law found Sun Drop in 12-ounce cans, in 24-can sleeves, at “Food Crappy!” (They have “value every day” there, according to their too frequent commercials.) The local IGA had been stocking them, but quit, despite my complaint. Okay, so “Food Crappy” is the place to get Sun Drop again! I drink a Sun Drop, about every other week or so! I now have two 24-can sleeves of Sun Drop! That should last me several months!

6/11/2019, Tuesday

My paternal grandmother, Granny Ferrell, passed on to the next life, on this date, in 1971, after her husband, Papaw Ferrell, had passed, on 11/21/1970. I remember.

6/12/2019, Wednesday

The eldest daughter of my youngest brother and his wife became a teenager, at age 13! They, all four, including their younger daughter, celebrated a few days at the beach! Good! They needed some fun family time! (Oh, the SOB is still not found – yet. See my 6/9/2019 article.)

I am the oldest of four brothers. On this same date, my second oldest brother sustained an injury at home. He’s alive. He is, at least at this entry, still in the hospital, but he may get out tomorrow, on Father’s Day. That’s good. I'm glad that it wasn't a more serious injury.

6/16/2019, Sunday, Tomorrow

My maternal grandmother, Granny Wood, was born on 6/16/1901. One could not have had a better grandmother! On 8/12/1991, she joined Papaw Wood, who had preceded her, on 3/14/1983. I conducted Granny Wood's funeral and graveside services. Papaw Wood, was born on 9/4/1901. I remember all the family jokes, about how Papaw married an older woman! (Mom and Dad were married on 9/3/1959, one day before Papaw attained age 58.)

On 6/16/2016, I took my first steps (3 only), on a rolling walker, after having recovered well enough to do so, from the “multi-trauma” injuries that I sustained, on 3/29/2016.

On 6/16/2018, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I purchased mulch and other items, at a nearby mega store. I enjoyed using my slowly recovering right foot, right knee, and left shoulder, to move and carry the mulch!

June 16, 2019, is Father’s Day and the anniversary of Granny Wood's birth. If I have power in my body, you will see what I do tomorrow, with photographs!

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Life Changes: Hunt Down the SOB! (published 6-9-2019)


I didn’t mention these “life, such as it was,” backlogged items before. On the Sunday afternoon of 5/19/2019, the “long-suffering” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, her two sisters, our niece, and I ate dinner (or lunch, as Yankees call it) at “O’Chuck’s.” It was a late celebration of our thirty-third wedding anniversary, which was three days prior, which was a workday for us.

Just after we left the house for our anniversary dinner, a fine neighbor, a man, age 70, and in good shape, had a major heart attack without prior symptoms! He lived, thankfully, and returned home from the hospital on 6/2/2019, without surgery or permanent heart damage! He’s still around! Thanks, Lord, for sparing our good neighbor!

On Monday, 5/27/2019, Memorial Day, I called a fine Hawkins County neighbor, also age 70. He’s facing an upcoming surgery on 6/17/2019, which should correct his problem. May it be so, dear Lord!

Later on Memorial Day, I called my youngest brother. He was sickly. The next Saturday, 6/1/2019, I called him again. He was still recovering from what had become double pneumonia, with a 101.9-degree fever! My brother has been enduring missed work and doctor appointments, but he is getting better. Please help him recover fully, Lord!


The next day, at 9:48 AM, I published the 6/2/2019 article. Later that same day, I learned that, while my youngest brother was still recovering at home from double pneumonia, his wife and their two daughters were hit, while almost back home from running errands!

As my sister-in-law and nieces were nearing home, a SOB (not a swell ol' boy), a tall, thin, white, short-haired male (not a man), driving a white Ford POS (piece of stuff), was in their northbound lane at an “S” curve. The SOB hit them head-on! Airbags deployed. Thankfully, the three family members sustained only minor injuries from the airbag deployment.

6/2/2019 photograph by my sister-in-law of the white Ford POS, after the SOB hit their blue vehicle, in which my family were riding.

The SOB got out of the Ford POS and took off running on foot to escape justice. He has not been found yet! Hopefully, the highway patrol is still searching for him. The car that he was driving belonged to someone else.

The Morristown Citizens Tribune newspaper and the WCYB Bristol, Virginia, television station published articles on their websites. See “THP searching for hit-and-run driver in Saint Clair.” Citizen Tribune, Staff, 6/3/2019, and “Hawkins County Emergency Crews ask for help identifying driver involved in crash.” News5 WCYB (Bristol, VA), by Kristen Quon, 6/2/2019.

As of this date, The Rogersville Review has not yet published an article about the wreck. Way to go, hometown newspaper!

This article is my online means of getting out the word! Look for the SOB as described above! If you see him, please call the highway patrol or 911!

The SOB should be in jail! I have no forgiveness. The Good Lord has no forgiveness. The SOB could be forgiven by all, if he would man up, turn himself in, ask for forgiveness, pay his fines, and serve his time in jail! He may have gotten away with his hit-and-run, literally running off on foot, if law enforcement can't find him. He will not be able to hide from God at the final judgment!


Okay, I’m done. Good evening, y'all. Life, such as it is, rolls onward.

I had to get this off my chest by writing about it. Yes, I am righteously indignant. Righteous indignation is not a sin.

Dear God, I'm sorry for using “SOB” and “POS” in this article! Please forgive me. Thank you for forgiving me.

Sunday, June 02, 2019

6-2-2019: from the USA to Russia to Fiji

This is another article that I'd written yesterday. I'm publishing it today.

I think the year was 1998. The “long-suffering” Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I were in our 5-year (1994 – 1999) mission work in Russia. While in the USA, for an annual Christmas-time furlough, we met the new preacher for the Rogersville Church of Christ, his wife, and their daughter. Their college-age daughter took an interest in serving as a mission intern with us. The next summer, other college students and she joined our team as mission interns. A young man and she “dell in fove,” as Archie Campbell would say, during their time with us in Russia. Well, the two married. They did a bit more mission work in Russia, but they ended up as missionaries in Fiji, where they, with their four sons, serve today.

On 5/18/2019, her husband Jason emailed several, including us, that his father-in-law had passed on to a better world. After a few emails back and forth, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman called his wife, whose father had died. I also talked with this now fine Christian adult, wife, mother, and missionary. Just over two decades have passed. Connection by email has been in place, on and off, all these years. It was good to reconnect by phone, while she is still in the USA. Soon, she is heading back to Fiji to rejoin her family.

At some point, may it be soon, Lord, there will be no sorrow, loss, or separation. Won’t that be grand?

Saturday, June 01, 2019


The first of June is the official start of summer; although, it’s been hot, dang hot, since May 19th. I follow the meteorological beginning of summer, on June first.

The above photograph was taken on 5/5/2019, by my youngest brother's wife. New flowers are on Mom and Dad’s tombstone. That's good.

The above image includes the oldest daughter of my youngest brother and his wife. This was an outstanding ladies middle school basketball team! Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I are proud of you, dear niece! Great job!

The above photograph is in the master bathroom. The black Timex travel alarm clock is on the right. On 5/28/2019, I replaced the triple-A battery, to keep it running. It had been so long, since I changed the batteries, that I momentarily forgot how to change them. I thought that I needed a new travel alarm clock, but I figured out how to replace the batteries. The alarm clock still works! Timex takes a lickin’ but keeps on tickin’, just like me!

Two other items are portable radios. I switch between news-talk and classic rock stations, while cleaning up in the morning. The decorative items are Mrs. Appalachian Irishman’s beach sand, shell, and scented candle, which I allow in the master's bathroom.

I took the final photograph, above, on Thursday, 5/30/2019. It's an example of many fly killin's that I’ve done over the decades! That fly is a goner! I remember, over a decade ago, having a fly killin’ contest with my youngest brother. We were at the homeplace. I killed 22 flies in one day! I think that was the record!

We go through life the best that we can. I’m still here. My permanent and much better home awaits me. “Git ‘r done!”