
Saturday, October 05, 2019



Today, Saturday, 10/5/2019, the Appalachian Irishman, very bravely, made a rare venture into his “Farcebook” account. I had to waste time, by ignoring all the reposts of posts, strange third-party reposts, advertisements, marketplace advertisements, and “friend” recommendations.

I happened to see a post by a man, with whom I had attended Tennessee Bible College (fall of 1983 to spring of 1984).

The Upcoming Debate

That man will debate another man on 10/11-12/2019, regarding whether “the second and final coming of Christ took place in the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD” or “is yet future.” I was interested.

My “Intrusion” into the Debate

This article is my “intrusion” into the upcoming debate. Let me see. I just reread, for who knows how many times, 1 Corinthians chapter 15, the entire chapter.

Of course, many other texts prove that Christ's second coming is in the future, but this chapter is sufficient. The inspired apostle Paul stated, as part of his eloquence, in that chapter:

For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him. Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. (1 Corinthians 15:22-26, NIV)

I won!

The second coming of Christ is future, unless y’all have seen:

– that death has been destroyed (from the above quote),
– the visible return of Christ in the clouds (see Rev. 1:7),
– the resurrection of all the dead (see 1 Cor. 15:51-53; 1 Thess. 4:16-17),
– and the “twinkling of an eye” transformation of all still alive at his return, “at the last trumpet” (1 Cor. 15:52)!

By the way, aren’t people still dying every day, unfortunately?


Let’s see. The physical remains of Mom, Dad, both sets of my grandparents, my uncle Bobby, all my aunts and uncles, my mother-in-law, and many, many others remain in their graves.

I’m still standing here. I ain’t breathing hard. Furthermore, I have not been transformed “in the twinkling of an eye.” I certainly would enjoy that transformation, since my “bionic” body parts are “talking to me” today!

Do you see, therefore, how easily I have won this upcoming debate, by my intrusion? Isn't time supposed to end at Christ’s second coming? What time is it now?

1 comment:

M. Fearghail said...

Oh, by the way, the man I knew "back in the day" is affirming/denying the wrong position. He is WRONG! I KNOW it. I can PROVE it. Y'all stop the silly fussing about nothing of consequence! Ok? Got it? I hope so!