
Sunday, January 05, 2020

The Mud Guards that I Bought on 1/17/2018 are Finally on! (published 1/5/2020)

This is only one of many examples of my stubborn and strong-willed Irish determination, after my old truck, a 1995 Nissan, died, but I didn’t, on 3/29/2016. I have always had that spirit, even before my “bionic” life started on that day.

On Wednesday, 1/17/2018, I bought a set of four mud guards for my new old truck, a 2006 Nissan Frontier. Since then, I’ve tried an unknown number of times to install them. The installation is easy enough, if you don’t have a “bionic” right foot, right knee, and left shoulder. The previous efforts stopped, once my right foot and right knee said, “That’s enough!” My left shoulder was okay.

Earlier today, on a Sunday afternoon, I installed the mud guards! I didn't work on a Sunday. I tinkered. There is a difference. My right foot and right knee had finally improved sufficiently to get the job done! Enjoy the photographs below! My truck is in “the barn” (i.e., garage), where I was working. Do you see my finger in the second photograph? Of course, the locations and angles are not the greatest. The mud guards are not as visible as I wanted them to be. My strong-willed Irish spirit finally won, even if it required an almost two-year “bionic” delay!

I will continue, by whatever measure of God’s grace that I receive, day by day. I will not stop. I will not give up, until the Good Lord comes again or until I reach the heavenly home!

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