
Sunday, March 15, 2020

3/15/2020, SUNDAY, UPDATE (published 3-15-2020)


3/9/2020, Monday: it was my official start of wearing short-sleeve shirts!

3/9-11/2020, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman stayed home, off work, still sickly. At least her PCP prescribed, by phone, a proper antibiotic, finally, as I knew had been needed. So, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman returned to work-a-day, on 3/12/2020, Thursday! Oh, she was able to see the propane tank fill, on 3/10/2020, which I had arranged.

3/13/2020, Friday: do not fear Friday the 13th! Despite that, we had a KUB “re-boot” at my work. Work was more insane than usual. From 3/12/2020, I have known about the “monthly conference” that was to have been on 3/13/2020, but which was postponed to 3/16/2020.

Sidetrack: as usual, I fester a little for three days, wondering what “work crap” discussion will occur tomorrow. I DO NOT CARE! I will, as Tom Petty sang, “stand my ground!” I AM VERY GOOD at this silly little job that provides income. You work every day, with “bionic” body parts, as I do. You do the high quality work that I’ve been doing! So, if you want to “nitpick,” then “nitpick” away at me! I WILL WIN, again, as usual! I will either retire this July or in July of 2022. The choice is yours! Chose wisely, if you want to keep me another two years or so!

Off sidetrack: as I was almost home, on 3/13/2020, Friday, an idiot in a red truck, which I will remember, saw me, but he decided to turn left, just before I had cleared him on my right-of-way! I was able to shift left a bit, while laying down on my ol' truck’s horn! My ol' truck and I told that idiot a thing or two! No damage! After arriving home, finally, we had a KUB “re-boot!” Great! Do NOT fear Friday the 13th! We survived! Ha!

Corona Virus

January was corona virus?

February became Corona Virus!

Now, in March, it’s CORONA VIRUS!!! Calm down, y’all! Stock market, please, calm down! Our IRAs are taking a little beating! No worries! I have sold one role of toilet paper already, for $1,000,000! Of course, $1,000,000 is only worth about $10 now, but we will survive! We have corn cobs and plenty of toilet paper for sale! Get in line, if you want to buy a roll!

Y’all keep turning right and going straight out there! Of course, turn right, only AFTER my ol' truck and I have CLEARED by you! Got it? Good!

Stay tuned for more “fun!”

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