
Monday, May 25, 2020


Happy Memorial Day, everyone!


Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, quite bravely, ventured into man-world with me today! We visited the homeplace in Hawkins County. My new, ol' truck took us.

Before arriving at the homeplace, a man needed to eat, and a woman could “eat a bite.” $13.15, counting tax, to eat at “Burger Dink”? Really? I knew that you wouldn’t believe me. Here’s the proof -- not counting tax!

Dad used to say, “A dollar ain’t worth much nowadays, boys.” I believed him then. I believe him now. The last time that I ate fast food was on 7/6/2020. (I wrote about it.) That was also at “Burger Dink.” Once or twice a year won’t hurt me!

Bellies fuller and billfold lighter, we ventured forth.

The above photograph is of the work that a 77-year-old well driller/pump repair man and his grandson did on 5/1/2020 (May Day). Our fine neighbor, from across the road, had done all the digging work. The section of blue pipe replaced the original pipe that Ferrell’s Well Drilling had installed in 1974. My father, Earl Ferrell, had drilled his own water well, including the casing, pump, well housing, and tank. My father and mother had planted four trees near the well housing, one each for us four boys. Roots had finally broken a section in the original pipe. Forty-six years for that original pipe wasn’t too bad! The remaining original pipe is still sound. Dad would have been proud!

Our fine neighbor saw us and came by to visit. His wife and he are doing well. They have a water line from the well. Dad and he had made an agreement in 1974. Our neighbor figured that he owed me for the nominal cost of the pipe work. I figured that I owed him for all the work that he did! We laughed and shook hands. We’re even, but I still think that I owe him. He’s a fine neighbor!

The above photograph, taken from the back yard, looks northeast. The grapevine still stands, is alive, and is beginning to bear fruit. There’s my new, ol' truck. I think that he drove himself up a bit to get into the shot! I didn’t know that he could do that!

The grapevine was a cutting from Granny and Papaw Wood’s grapevine, taken from their home in Bean Station. After Papaw passed away in 1983, Granny moved in with us.

The yard had been mowed not many days ago by T&C Lawn Service. It looked fine, as always. Behind me, two men, each on a tractor, had just finished the first hay cutting. The field looked fine, as always.

After Mom passed in 2000, Dad said, before he passed in 2008, “I’m trying to keep things going here.” So am I, Dad, so am I.

Memorial Day Memories

Over the years, the “Fearghail” (Ferrell) clan had many fine memories on Memorial Day and on other festive occasions. On Memorial Day, we always remember the reason for the day.

As for me and my house, we are thankful to those, who kept us free, through their ultimate sacrifice for freedom. “Hero” is a word that is bandied about far too often. Those who gave their ultimate sacrifice might not have called themselves heroes. They probably thought that they were just doing their duties.

Let’s get the right job done, America, in tribute to those who made Memorial Day memorable. We owe them.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

CORONA MYOPIA OVERLORD (published 5-24-2020)


Howdy, again, to everyone out there in the online world. I can track viewer totals, so I know many are viewing. I can’t see who they are. I see only numbers. Identities are safe here, as opposed to “Farcebook,” which knows too much about us. Post a comment every now and then, if you want to do so!

Corona Myopia will not win! I override it! This is my final article, on the topic. I have proved my points several times, in several articles. My points are fact, not opinion, as anyone skilled in common sense and logical reasoning knows. If you disagree, then challenge me to a formal, public or written, debate!

The Corona Myopically Obsessed Stay Obsessed

On Thursday, 5/21/2020, a man -- who had taken a wife, by my wedding ceremony officiating, a few decades ago -- posted, in part, as a reply to my 5/20/2020 article: “this was pointed out by a friend after tracking my ‘biased’ posts and explaining what was wrong with each one. Incidentally, his recap of my post were [sic] inaccurate in most cases.”

Really? His “Corona Myopia Obsession” is showing! My recap was accurate. I did not explain the inaccuracy in each of that man's posts. (Hence, his term was “recap.”) By the way, that “mini debate” was a fine “howdy do,” after these few decades with no contact.

The man had also posted, with no remarks, Tennessee State Annotated Code 58-2-107, as if the Code validates him. The title of that Code is “Emergency management powers of the governor.” That Tennessee Code defines “emergency” as (underlining added for emphasis):

an occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural, technological, or man-made, in war or in peace, that results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the population, or substantial damage to or loss of property; provided, that natural threats may include disease outbreaks and epidemics.

“Substantial“ is not defined in the definitions section, which is a mistake in the Code. The Code refers to “an emergency beyond local control,” with various details and limitations. The Code appears to have the idea of military invasion, man-made or natural disaster, and such like -- true “emergencies” (by common definition).

As I’ve written before, regarding this new cold virus, the number of cases is not known. The number of recoveries is not known. The number of deaths is known (by constant media focus).

As of 5/23/2020, 2020 COVID-19 deaths in Tennessee were 329. In Knox County, there were five deaths. (Information is via Tennessee’s COVID-19 website.)

As of early morning, on 5/24/2020, there had been 26,894 deaths in Tennessee in 2020 (the number keeps rising). That total does not include COVID-19 deaths. So, adding the 329 deaths by COVID-19 to the other deaths equals 27,223 total deaths.

Dividing 329 by 27,223 means that 1.2% of 2020 deaths in Tennessee (at that moment in time) had been by this new cold virus. Thus, 98.8% of deaths had been by something else. Note: I’d still like to see the 2020 deaths by all other factors, not just this new cold virus, but I can’t find them.

For national, as far as the CDC shows, for weeks ending 2/1/2020 through 5/16/2020, with an 5/22/2020 update (including various stipulations):

Total deaths: 922,510.

COVID-19 deaths: 73,639 (actual, “probable,” or “presumed” cause). I calculate 7.98% of total deaths.

Pneumonia plus influenza deaths: pneumonia 89,555 plus influenza 6,253 is 95,808. I calculate, for pneumonia, 9.7% of total deaths. I calculate, for pneumonia and influenza, 10.38% of total deaths.

NOTE: no other causes of death are parsed out. I wish that the CDC would parse out other causes of death.

COVID-19 is a new cold virus. Pneumonia and influenza are viruses. Each, unfortunately, can cause death. The country seems to have cycled through the seasonal influenza (various viruses). I hope the country is cycling through this new cold virus and the pneumonia viruses.

I speculate that the Tennessee “guvrnor” thinks that death totals by this new cold virus are his subjective definition of “substantial” harm from a disease outbreak or epidemic. (Again, case and recovery numbers are not relevant and are not known.) What type of “executive orders” will the “guvrnor” issue, for other “substantial” harms caused by ongoing or cyclical disease outbreaks -- such as from cancer, stroke, obesity, heart disease, influenza, pneumonia, ad nauseam?

Further, to conclude the “mini debate,” as I referenced, in the 5/20/2020 article, one scholarly source indicates that many “restrictions” do no better than few “restrictions,” for the 50 states. The green, red, blue, and gray colors are on “States with the Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions,” on WalletHub, by Adam McCann, last updated 4/6/2020. (Tennessee is barely visible, underneath West Virginia and Texas; all three green.)

Finally, the man ignored my remarks, regarding the consequences to the economy, health, religious freedom, and so forth, that the “guvrmint” action on this new cold virus caused. I suggest -- as a means of further education, on many topics, not only related to this new cold virus -- the reading of The Patriot Post (which once had been named The Federalist). I suggest, to begin his education, that this man read: “The Constitution Was Made for COVID-19,” by Penny Nance, 5/6/2020 and “Growing Health Consequences From Prolonged Lockdown,” by Thomas Gallatin, 5/8/2020.

Saturday, 5/23/2020, Free Actions

Yesterday, as a free man in a once free and great nation, I did chores. I hauled trash. I bought “doggy's” at the Tractor Supply. My new ol' truck had an oil change (with only 1,779 miles since the 2/11/2020 oil change). I filled up my truck with gas (the first time since 4/18/2020).

Various employees were wearing, not wearing, or sometimes wearing masks. Various customers were either wearing or not wearing masks. I passed a man who had his mask under his chin. I saw a couple. One wore a mask. The other did not. I didn’t bother to keep count. Many folks were out and about shopping and running errands. I speculate that, maybe, 10% were wearing masks. No one spoke or judged me, for not wearing a mask. I judged no one. One sales lady brought up the subject. Her mask had been on and off, at various times. She shared my thoughts. We agreed. We didn’t judge those, who wish to wear masks.

While driving about, I heard a national broadcast, on the local AM 760 radio station. I heard their position, regarding the “guvrmint” restrictions, such as on religion, during this new cold virus. I said “amen” more than once! We would have been in full agreement, if I had been on the air with them.

Corrie Ten Boom

A very dear friend had cited, on 5/14/2020 (on the date that Uncle Bobby was born, fittingly), the following valid quotation:

If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest. -- Corrie Ten Boom.

My friend has a calm spirit that comes from her trust in the Lord. Her spirit continues to be a safe haven, when I get my Irish up. Thank you, dear friend!

Corrie Ten Boom faced a far more difficult life challenge than we will ever face. “Corona Myopia” will pass, even for the most bullheaded. In the everlasting perspective, Corrie Ten Boom had a far worse challenge. We have a new cold virus challenge now. In the everlasting perspective, this blink of an eye, on a speck of dust, world is boot camp! Let us move on toward Home, shall we?


As a historical note, V-E Day was observed on May 8, 1945, in Great Britain, Western Europe, the United States, and Australia. It was observed on May 9 in the (former) Soviet Union and New Zealand. I trust that y’all remembered.

Memorial Day is tomorrow, on Monday, 5/25/2020. I trust that each of you will recall why we must remember.

As another historical note, June 6, 1944 was D-Day. It was called “Operation Overlord.” I trust that we will each remember.

As the final historical note, Independence Day, on 7/4/2020, is approaching. A man, who is running for president, has said, in a different context, “You know; the thing.”

Place “Corona Myopia Obsession” into “Operation Corona Overlord!” In other words, place this new cold virus in your rear view mirror, America! Wake up!


To conclude, I quote the final words of “The Constitution Was Made for COVID-19,” on The Patriot Post, by Penny Nance, 5/6/2020:

The American spirit in 2020 still shouts, ‘Give me liberty, or give me death!’ as Patrick Henry did in 1775. No exception for COVID-19.

What will be my next topic? It will not be “Corona Myopia!” Thanks, y’all, for reading!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020



Howdy, y’all, out there in the online world!

This afternoon, my work at home duties were very light, for a rare change. I did a bit of study, while paying attention to any new work that might come my way. It did not.

Corona Myopia Obsession

I found a classic case of “Corona Myopia Obsession,” from someone, whom I know. From 5/17-19/2020, Sunday to Tuesday, three full days, I counted this man’s nineteen total articles on his social media account. His volume of articles indicates Corona Myopia obsession. (It could be his attempt to “save” the less enlightened, but I only speculate.) This man must have plenty of free time. I will not reference each of his nineteen articles, since I don't want to waste that much time. I will summarize them instead.

5/17/2020: the theme was: (1) the economy could, in speculative theory, be even worse, without all the forced restrictions. (2) “Social distancing” works. (A link to an article gave Hancock County some attention.) (3) Masks work. No guilt, judgment, or fear mongering were intended, of course. (4) Religious freedom may, or may not, be restricted for a while, legally, based on one lawyer’s opinion.

5/18/2020: the theme was: (1) COVID-19 deaths could be under reported. (2) Karma fell upon a husband and wife, who were against restrictions, but who both contracted COVID-19. (I hope that they recover well.) (3) One lawyer’s opinion is that state and federal “guvrmint” has the right to violate our constitutional rights, in times like these, for a while, at least.

5/19/2020: the theme was: (1) too many evangelical Christians (but I thought Christians were Christians) are gullible to online conspiracy theories, in the context of COVID-19. (Well, not this Christian, who is a Christian only.) (2) The “guvrmint”-mandated shutdowns (state and federal), quarantines, mask wearing, etc., are working. We must keep them in place; otherwise, another outbreak, as in China, may occur. (3) COVID-19 deaths are six percent of known cases. (Of course, the six percent of known cases is a scare tactic that is used often. It is an invalid method. The number of cases is not known. Who knows how many have, or have had, this new cold virus, but who have, or had, no symptoms? The math is a division of a fairly accurate number into an unknown. It’s not valid. The division of the COVID-19 deaths into the total known deaths is valid. I’ve written on this earlier.)

I am not judgmental, but the Good Lord said that I can be a fruit inspector. I inspected. I found “Corona Myopia Obsession.”


This rebuttal, to those nineteen articles, will be overarching. I can't address every little detail, since there are so many.

First, I found a Savannah, Tennessee, newspaper article (“Analysis: Is a ‘stay at home’ order constitutional?” On The Courier, by Editor and R. Kelly Jordan, Staff Writer, 4/5/2020) that speculates that stay at home orders are either constitutional or not. My copies of the US constitution and the Tennessee constitution indicate that no executive order power exists. Of course, the “guvrmint” could have suggested, in wisdom, that we the people do or not do certain things. We the people, in wisdom, could have gone along. That’s not what has happened. That’s not what is happening. The news media is ripe with the details. I’ve written about it.

Second, states with few restrictions are doing better than states with more restrictions, in the COVID-19 counts. See “States with the Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions,” on WalletHub, by Adam McCann, last updated 4/6/2020. The article has scholarship behind it.

Third, “the U.S. unemployment rate exploded to 14.7% in April after more than 20 million jobs were lost to the coronavirus, but that is just the official number. The real jobless rate was at least 20%.” The quote is from "Great Depression 2020? The unofficial U.S. jobless rate is at least 20% -- or worse," on Market Watch, by Jeffry Bartash, 5/11/2020.

Finally, “’this is a surprise, overwhelmingly the people were at home.’ Cuomo said 66% of the people were at home, which he said was ‘shocking.’ He said those sickened were disproportionately older, starting at 51 years old and minorities.” The quote is from “Cuomo releases 'shocking' data showing new COVID patients stayed at home,” on CBS6 Albany, by Anne McCloy, 5/6/2020. I found one source, which stated that 80% of new cases were from people, who were staying at home.

Of course, I could continue my rebuttal, but I've wasted enough time. I've published other articles on “Corona Myopia Obsession.”


It’s been almost 30 years, since my last formal, public debate. The man, who is rebutted by this article, is invited to meet me in written debate, via this website. We must first agree on a proposition. I will negate the following proposition that I now propose:

Corona Myopia Obsession” must continue, until we must learn to speak Mandarin.

Does this person agree to argue in the affirmative? (My tongue is placed in cheek firmly, of course.)


In once sentence, let’s get over this “Corona Myopia Obsession,” America, and get back to work, before it kills the economy!

Sunday, May 17, 2020



This afternoon, I decided against hiking House Mountain for the 171st time. Under the “any excuse is a good excuse” mantra, the weather is too warm and humid for my preference. I could blame it on the tight muscle “fun” from my left shoulder to my left hip that I’ve been enduring lately, but that would be a cop-out. After many warm-weather hikes, I have sweated many a T-shirt to the point of wringing it out by hand. I keep a spare T-shirt in my truck. After hiking, I change into it after removing the one soaked in sweat.

Instead of hiking, let’s play the unmask game!

Socialism Unmasked

On Monday, 5/11/2020, I saw a social media post by a grade school and high school friend that referenced a Bernard (Bernie) Sanders chart. The chart compared the sufficiently socialistic healthcare costs in America to other even more socialistic healthcare expenses in other countries. The chart implied that America isn’t doing very well. At this time, I will not take the effort to find the chart or to investigate the numbers on it. Sanders' chart implied that America needs more socialism in healthcare.

Well, that’s fine, if you drink socialist Kool-Aid. I remember my father telling us how much he paid the doctor and hospital, after each of us four brothers was born. He also told us how much family health insurance cost back then. To him, the costs were reasonable and affordable. Dad said that medical costs and health insurance started going up, once the government got more involved in healthcare. Dad was wise, and he was right.

Take the time to investigate what citizens in other nations pay in total taxes. Compare that to what they pay for healthcare. Do the math. It’s easy enough, if you invest the proper time and effort. I will not do all that work in this article, but I may in a later article. Nothing, except God’s grace, is free. The cost of healthcare is paid by someone in some manner every time.

Take the time to investigate the plethora of factors that have been driving up the cost of healthcare and health insurance in this country. There are many factors. The intrusion of government, with various and usually unnecessary rules and regulations, is a major factor.

The solution is easy. The Hippocratic Oath is supposed to guide healthcare professionals. The free market, based on Constitutional principles, should regulate healthcare costs and keep them in check.

Bernard Sanders (or Barnie Fife as I call him) is a socialist. Let’s see him practice what he preaches! Perhaps he will demonstrate his verbal diatribe, by getting by on a living wage and by sharing his “way too much money” with the less fortunate. Hey, Bernie, I’ll take a cut of your pie!

Corona Myopia Unmasked

I do not wear a mask when I’m out and about. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman does not either. We, out and celebrating our anniversary yesterday, did not wear masks. Other folks were wearing masks, either by choice or by employer mandate. I do not judge those who wear masks. They must not judge me. In Tennessee at least, the “right to choose” to mask or not to mask is yours for now.

I have started to feel the negative social peer pressure, from television, radio, social media, and so forth, to wear a mask. If I do not, media label me as not being as loving or caring as mask wearers. That is their implication and attempt at manipulation. They are judging me falsely. They need to stop it!

It’s all a part of Corona Myopia, of course. The “guvrmint” is the cause of Corona Myopia. The following is one example: “TN Department of Health: The Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, has created an unprecedented health and economic crisis for Tennesseans.” Unprecedented health crisis? That is an exaggerated overstatement to say the least!

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Unified Command, Tennessee State Government has the reality. First, I bypass the number of cases. How do they know the number of cases? The number of cases could be far more than their known numbers. Many could have had COVID-19, a new, hence the word “novel,” cold virus, without knowing it, since they had no symptoms. Second, I bypass the number of recovered. Again, how do they know the number recovered? Folks could have had a mild case of it, gotten over it, and not been counted!

I look at the number of deaths. I regret the loss of life for any reason. The number of COVID-19 deaths in Tennessee, as of today’s date, is 295.

Today, 5/17/2020, at 5:02 PM, the total number of 2020 deaths in Tennessee is 25,647. That number does not include 2020 Tennessee COVID-19 deaths. That web link shows 294 2020 Tennessee COVID-19 deaths, off by one number from the prior web link of 295. Thus, there have been 25,942 total 2020 Tennessee deaths, as of this entry.

Deaths by COVID-19 are 1.137% of total 2020 Tennessee deaths. I wish that Corona Myopia didn’t keep state number crunchers from parsing out the reasons for the other 25,647 deaths to date, but it does.

Let’s “dig a little deeper in the well, boys!” Tennessee has 95 counties. From the previously cited sources, the following are COVID-19 deaths by county:

-- 53 counties: No deaths. Hancock County has not had a COVID-19 case.
-- 9 counties: 1 death in each county.
-- 9 counties: 2 deaths in each county.
-- 7 counties: 3 to 8 deaths, which vary by county. Knox County: 5 deaths.
-- 4 counties: 10 to 19 deaths, which vary by county.
-- Davidson County: 41 deaths.
-- Sumner County: 41 deaths.
-- Shelby County: 85 deaths.


A rifle is still better than a shotgun to hunt a squirrel or to kill a new cold virus. The “guvrmint” needs to pick up a rifle and stop using a shotgun.

To all mask wearers, wear your masks! To all non-mask wearers, we are just as loving and caring as the mask wearers! Don’t let the mask wearers intimidate you!

Mask wearers, we know your opinions. Keep them to yourselves! By the way, non-mask wearers, do not make fun of mask wearers! To both, “Judge not lest you be judged.” I rest my case! Good evening, y’all!


The article from 5/10/2020 mentioned my “stealth mission” of the previous day. Yesterday was Mrs. Appalachian Irishman’s 34th year of “suffering long” with me. I speculate that she may think otherwise.

Several years ago, my wife's mother gave her a pearl ring. A few years ago, the original pearl setting fell out and was lost. Afterward, I surprised my wife with a new replacement pearl setting. Well, that replacement pearl fell out, but I found it. I held onto it until the proper time. Our wedding anniversary was the proper time!

On Saturday, 5/9/2020, I made a “stealth mission” to Fountain City Jewelers to reattach the pearl. In true Ferrell fashion, I was able to pick up the restored ring yesterday, just in time! Ain’t I a fine husband, dear?

For our anniversary, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I had a late afternoon meal at Litton's. Dinner is the noon meal. Supper is the evening meal. City slickers have brunch. That’s a late breakfast. What do city slickers call a late dinner or an early supper?

Of course, all employees were wearing masks. Tables were spaced farther apart. We still had a fine anniversary meal. The waitress shared my sarcastic sense of humor. We had a good time. Our COVID-19-compliant 34th wedding anniversary was one to remember!

Well, dear, I’m glad that you have been so “long-suffering,” having endured me as your husband all these years! The Ferrell in me doesn’t drop the L-word very often. Actions speak louder than words. I love you, dear.

You may be wondering why this article includes no photographs. Apparently, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman is still trying to get an appointment with her “barber” or whatever you ladies call a barber. Saying that she needs a haircut and whatever else her “barber” does, I didn’t photograph her. Thus, I still get to eat her home cooking!

Friday, May 15, 2020


My good friend and fellow patriot, J.C., sent an e-mail today, regarding Dr. Fauci’s YouTube site, on which he had stated that mask wearing is not beneficial. YouTube censorship has removed the site, effective either yesterday, after my previous post, or today. Did my 5/14/2020 post cause YouTube to remove that website post? Interesting!

The link that I referenced, in my 5/14/2020 post, was to Today, a day later, when I click my own link reference, I get: “this video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.” It says to click the link to learn more. I clicked the link. The link is here (unless YouTube takes it down). So, YouTube thinks that Dr. Fauci’s verbal statement, regarding how wearing a mask is not needed, violated their policy? I hope that Dr. Fauci files a lawsuit against YouTube! It’s free speech violation, in YouTube at least, and Corona Myopia insanity, of course.

Today, I found a still valid reference, in audio-video and transcript, to the exact same statement, by the so-called Dr. Fauci -- of approximately two months ago – in which he stated that mask wearing is not needed. (I speculate that his doctorate degree is from Cracker Jacks!) He’s a joke, of course. YouTube is a joke, of course. The reference is: “Tucker Carlson: We Didn't Appoint Fauci Dictator During This Crisis,” on RealClear Politics, by Tim Hains, 5/13/2020.

Okay, I’m done for now. It’s supper time. Let’s eat, dear! By the way, if I eat Friday fish dinner and drink my usual buttermilk, am I in violation of God’s unpardonable sin? The Good Lord has forgiven me before. I hope that He does so again!

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Uncle Bobby

My mother’s younger brother, uncle Robert Allen Wood, was born on 5/14/1939. He went Home on 1/18/1941. I have written about him elsewhere on my website.

Uncle Bobby, wait on me a while longer! I’ll get there! Tell Granny and Papaw Wood, Mom, Dad, and so many others that I’ll see y’all one of these days! I love you, and I miss having never met you yet.

Corona Myopia – to Mask or Not to Mask?

My good friend, J.C., sent another “good job as always” e-mail today. It inspired me to write.

Police assaulted a mother with her child, near the subway, for "not fully wearing her mask." (Source: Dean Meminger, Twitter, 5/13/2020). It’s insanity, of course. This is only one example. Here is a more credible source, on the same event: “Mom Arrested After Confrontation With NYPD Officers Over Face Mask,” on NBC New York, 5/14/2020.

By the way, there is a historical comment by Dr. Fauci, regarding no need to wear a mask. (Source: “March 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci talks with Dr Jon LaPook about Covid-19,” on 60 Minutes (YouTube), 3/8/2020. This episode has not “been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines,” as of the publication of this article.) I wonder if Dr. Fauci has ever apologized for his “fatal error.” I do not see him wearing a mask, when he’s on the various TV channels, ad nauseam, on a daily basis.

Search online, by “General Michael Flynn unmasked,” if you want to have a little fun. (It's about a different kind of “mask.”) One source, of several, is: “Intel chief releases info on ‘unmasking’ of Flynn to Capitol Hill,” on Politico, by Andrew Desiderio and Betsy Woodruff Swan, 5/13/2020. The political powers are fiddling while the USA economy burns, apparently.

My question: to mask or not to mask? General Michael Flynn is unmasked (a political mask). Dr. Fauci said don’t wear a literal mask. Now, he says to wear a literal mask. I’m confused.

To all you folks out there, in social media land, who are posting about wearing masks, as a means of negative peer pressure, I say, be consistent! When the influenza annual cycle comes again, in 2020, 2021, 2022, ad nauseam, you must continue to wear a mask, even after this new cold virus (COVID-19) is old news. Otherwise, back off!

Knox County, Tennessee, deaths, by COVID-19, have been and still are five. That number has stayed the same for several weeks. I regret the loss of those lives, and my sympathy extends to the families. The point, however, is that this new cold virus is being used, as a socialist propaganda tool, to manipulate us.


I miss my Uncle Bobby. I will meet him for the first time, one of these days. In the mean time, this short-term insanity should go away, eventually.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day 20 Years Ago, House Mountain Hike #170, a Semi-Free Man, and Clearing Corona Myopia (published 5-10-2020)


Hello to everyone out there in the online world! My mother was still alive on Mother's Day twenty years ago. That was her last Mother's Day with us, until we see her again in heaven. Also, this article mentions my 170th hike on House Mountain and my status as a semi-free man. Finally, I clear away a bit of Corona Myopia, as I call it.

Mother’s Day 20 Years Ago

I hope that you are having a great Mother’s Day, are surviving Mother’s Day, or are enjoying being pensive on Mother’s Day.

This Mother’s Day marks two decades, since my brothers and I were last able to celebrate with our mother. Mom “went to see Jesus” on 12/27/2000. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and her family are on year three, since my mother-in-law passed on. It gets easier, dear. I know. By the way, my Mother's Day, 5/14/2017, article marked an important day for me.

House Mountain Hike #170

Since I have power in my body, what else could I do on a fine, cool, and clear Mother’s Day? I hiked House Mountain for the 170th time! It was in honor of my grandmothers, Molly Gertrude Archer Ferrell and Lula Frank Amos Wood; my mother, Betty Lou Wood Ferrell; and my mother-in-law, Phyllis Ann House Gordon.

The above is a photograph from the west bluff, looking east. I touched a rock to check my time. The hike up took 34 minutes again. This must be my “bionic new normal” (pun intended). I did not count the number of people or groups that were at the bluff when I arrived. I haven’t seen that many folks on the bluff at the same time in a while! I conversed with several. Many were around but outside the above image.

I waited until I had a moment of solitude to take the above photograph on the same west bluff. The view looks west this time. Now vacant, many folks had enjoyed a moment at the bluff. I was one of them.

Yes, my 2006 Nissan Frontier still wants to be photographed! Thursday, 4/16/2020, was his most recent handwashing at Synergy Auto Wash. He needed it. My truck got a “country boy” washing, under a little rain, while hauling off trash on Saturday, 4/25/2020. Working from home means that I walk five seconds to my home office. My truck doesn’t need to endure the weather by taking me to and from the office. He is pleased with that!

A Semi-Free Man

As a free man in a once-free country, I feel as if I have become at least “semi-free.” Why?

Yesterday, the folks at my every-four-week deep tissue massage reopened, after the “govrmint” closed them temporarily and unconstitutionally. The business had to postpone my 4/11/2020 massage, due to that forced and unconstitutional closure. Yesterday was my eleventh massage. I signed up for the one-year plan on Friday, 7/5/2019. My still recovering muscles have been showing improvement. Of course, I knew that they would force a mask on me when I arrived. I didn’t expect, before the massage, that they would take my temperature and force me to wash and sanitize my hands. I had to sanitize my hands again after the massage! It was insanity, of course. I did it, since I wanted a massage. How many others have been in need of “elective” surgeries, medical appointments, therapy appointments, and so forth? I am just one of many.

After my massage, I went on a stealth mission for Mrs. Appalachian Irishman. You will find out more in my next article! While on that mission, I happened to notice that my good barber had his open sign lighted! I parked, walked to the locked door, and knocked. He was just finishing his current appointment. He’s following the unconstitutional “executive order” that “allows” him to be a free but by-appointment barber in a once-free country.

Thus, on a fine and sunny day, I dropped the tailgate of my truck and relaxed for a few minutes! The barber shop, to the left, is not visible. Apparently, it is still illegal to wait in the barber shop for your turn in the chair. I had not called ahead to book an appointment. I only happened to drive by and see his open sign. My barber closes at 2 PM on Saturdays. I arrived about 1:45 PM. He finished his current appointment and “worked me in” for a fine haircut!

This was how I became a semi-free man in a once-free nation!

Clearing Corona Myopia

While I was out and about yesterday as a semi-free man, I learned from a very credible source that the State of Kentucky will fine a resident for not wearing a mask, even if he or she is mowing the yard on private property! It’s insanity, of course!

My credible source told me that she was mowing the family yard on family-owned property on Saturday, 5/2/2020. She was not wearing a mask. An officer happened to drive by and see her. The officer gave her a $500 ticket. Her court date is on Wednesday, 7/1/2020, which is three days before Independence Day. The story drips with irony. My credible source will stand in court to defend her rights as a free human being. I hope that she wins.

From “As state works to reopen economy, 37,000 Tennesseans filed unemployment claims last week, lowest since March,” Nashville Tennessean, by Cassandra Stephenson, 5/7/2020, the following are five quotes (with my red added for emphasis):

. . . economists expect April's jobs report, which will be released Friday, will be the worst on record with an estimated unemployment spike of between 15 and 20%.

The onslaught of claims has overwhelmed the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

. . . Tennessee stands to lose an estimated $5 billion to pandemic-related closures this year. . . .

On April 27, restaurants in most counties were allowed to resume serving dine-in customers at half capacity. Retail stores and gyms were also allowed to open with reduced capacity last week. (Notice “allowed.”)

Salons, barber shops, nail spas, and massage therapy services were permitted to reopen Wednesday at 50% capacity, with strict guidelines to accommodate social distancing and maintain the use of protective face coverings, among other things. (Notice “permitted.” Apparently, this is how I have become a semi-free man.)

As of 5/10/2020, at 6:47 PM, the following is from the TN Department of Health, Epidemiology and Surveillance Data:

-- Tennessee – 243 total deaths.
-- Knox County – 5 deaths.
-- Shelby County – has had 68 deaths, the highest in any county.
-- In most counties – deaths are single digits (0 to 9). Many counties have had zero deaths.
-- By far, the majority of deaths are in the age 61 and over population.

The website has much more information.

I target shoot. A person must have good vision to target shoot. I have hunted. A hunter knows that you don’t use a shotgun to hunt a squirrel. You use a small caliber rifle.

The “govrmint” folks are not good hunters. They are using a shotgun to kill squirrels. They must clear their Corona Myopic vision, by using a rifle in a constitutionally correct manner to kill COVID-19, not the state economy.


I have cleaned my verbal weapon for now. I feel better. Don’t you?

Tune in again for more information on my stealth mission of yesterday!

Sunday, May 03, 2020

CORONA MYOPIA IN MAINE (published 5-3-2020)


Maine is one example. By my last count, there are 50 states. Examples in the other 49 abound.

The Example in Maine

The article, referenced below, is found on Channel 8 WMTW. It is an ABC TV station in Westbrook, Maine.

The title of the article is "Stage 1 of Maine reopening plan, new face mask requirement in effect," 5/1/2020. (Grammatically, the capitalization of nouns in an article title is, to adapt a phrase, “best practice,” but, commonly now, newspaper and website articles fail to follow “best practice.”) The article lists several mandates, by the governor’s unconstitutional executive orders, which are in effect until 5/31/2020 or longer. This is only Stage 1. I won’t drone on with every mandate here. I’ll quote two mandates (with red font added for emphasis).

First, “Maine churches are also allowed to conduct limited drive-in services as long as people stay in their vehicles and practice social distancing.” Notice the words “allowed” and “limited.” Are not religious freedom and the freedom to worship rights in this country? This is a classic example of an unconstitutional executive order.

Then, “as part of the extension of the state’s stay-at-home order, people must wear a cloth mask in public beginning Friday.” The article goes into mind-numbing details on mask wearing. Notice the word “must.” Of course, to anyone who has any common sense and understanding of freedom, the “must wear a cloth mask” (not a paper mask, by the way) is completely ludicrous! What? Will an officer arrest me or fine me, if I’m not wearing a mask when I’m at the grocery store? I’d like to see one try that on me! I’d utilize the quickest way possible to file a lawsuit. I’d defend myself in court. I would win.

At the end of 2019, the population of Maine was 1.366 million. At the time of my research (Saturday, 5/2/2020, at 8:55 AM), 55 people in Maine had died due to COVID-19, assuming from 1/1/2020 to the date and time stated. The division of 55 by four full months (January - April) means that 13.75 Maine residents die from COVID-19 each month. (How does 0.75 of a person die? I do not round the calculations.) The total number of deaths in Maine, from 1/1/2020 to 5/2/2020, at 9:15 AM, was 4,807. The division of 55 by 4,807 means that 1.14% of total 2020 deaths in Maine, as of 5/2/2020, have been from COVID-19. (Of course, the possible inflation of COVID-19 deaths is common knowledge, as reported in the various media sources.)

I tried to find the total number of 2020, to date, deaths in Maine by influenza, pneumonia, traffic accidents, heart disease, cancer, and so forth, to compare to COVID-19 deaths. I found only the year-to-date number of COVID-19 deaths in Maine. Maine is a classic example of “Corona Myopia.” There are 50 states.

Governors in various states, including Tennessee, are drunk on their “Corona Myopia” power. They think that they have “executive order power,” which they do not, to enact all types of orders that are not constitutional, according to state constitutions and the US Constitution. They claim that they do this to protect citizens from a new cold virus (COVID-19). I suspect other intentions.

“Corona Myopia,” in Maine and in other states, exists. (See the section “Corona Myopia Logic” in my 4/26/2020 article.) Residents of Maine are stopping it.

Maine Restaurant Owner Defies State Order

I found the story at “Maine restaurant owner defies state stay-at-home order, loses health license,” on Channel 8 WMTW, 5/2/2020. That article has all the details. It's just one example. Other examples are making the news, in many states.

The article states, for Stage or Phase 1, “while restaurants are allowed to offer takeout, curbside pickup and delivery, dine-in service is not allowed.” (Again, I added the red font for emphasis.) Notice, once again, allowed and “not allowed.” Even in the former Soviet Union, the Soviet socialist powers never disallowed Soviet citizens the right to dine-in at a Soviet-allowed restaurant!

The article continues: “The reopening of restaurants is part of phase 2 in June, according to the governor's plan.” Well, if the governor had just a plan, as a suggestion only, it might have been fine. Folks could choose, freely, to follow or not follow his plan. It is not a plan! It is an unconstitutional “executive order.”

The article also states: [Rick] Savage began letting people into his restaurant at about noon after dozens of people lined up outside. He originally planned to open at 4 p.m.” This was good for Rick Savage and good for the folks that want to spend money to dine-in at his restaurant! They are free people in a free nation! I speculate that the authorities in Maine will arrest or continue to fine Rick Savage. Rick Savage will stand his ground! This and a few other cases, which are making the national news, might become a class action lawsuit.


"As for me and my house," we are a free people in a supposedly free nation. We will not back down! (The words of Joshua inspire my thoughts. Please note Joshua 24:15, in the context of that final chapter.)

By the way, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman took her father to a medical appointment, which was not postponed, this time, on Thursday, 4/30/2020. The medical folks required that they both wear masks, to tend to my father-in-law; otherwise, they would not tend to him. Now, that’s honoring the Hippocratic Oath! In wisdom, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and her father complied with that asinine requirement. My father-in-law is fine, as well as he can be, thankfully.

"As for me and my house," we stand against “Corona Myopia” and the violation of our God-given rights. We will not back down! My father used to say, “This country is about gone, boys.” He said that many times, before he went Home, on 1/25/2008. Dad was right – unless we all stand our ground!

Let’s eat supper, dear. I’m hungry. Y’all do the right thing out there. Understand?

HOUSE MOUNTAIN #169 (published 5-3-2020)

On Saturday, 5/2/2020, I hiked “My Mountain” (also known as House Mountain) for the 169th time. The weather was sunny and warm, but not too warm. I hiked up and then back down the west trail only. Enjoy the photographs and the commentary!

This is looking southwest at the west bluff. The tree branch, on which I had been hanging my canteen, ball cap, and outer layer, finally broke off, sometime since my last hike. It was there for many years. One young person was in each of the two hammocks. They agreed to be photographed. They and I enjoyed a fine conversation. Young folks such as these give me hope for the future.

On the hike back down, I passed several folks hiking up. One group of young people, not wearing masks, enjoyed my joke: “I saw a COVID-19-compliant bobcat on the trail, but there were no worries. He was wearing a mask!” A young man asked, “Was he wearing gloves?” That was a great reply to my joke!

I met another group. Each person was wearing a mask. I told them my bobcat joke. They seemed to enjoy the humor.

Another group included a man, who was wearing a T-shirt that read, “I am the Change.” We talked a while. We shook hands (even if the “govrmint” suggests otherwise). He and I were Boy Scouts. We understood each other perfectly! Change is needed. We are united in our effort to change this once-great nation back to what it used to be, when it more closely followed biblical values.

The difference at the parking lots was that the governor had lifted his unconstitutional executive order that had “disallowed” folks to park and hike. The fancy outhouse, however, is still locked, as the above photograph shows. The red tape (no pun intended) warns of electrical danger. I wondered if the state employee(s), who put up the tape, had only that tape or if the fancy outhouse is now wired to shock violators! Of course, a hiker can take a number one or a number two in the woods anywhere, as long as no one notices. Leaves are available for wiping as needed. The governor, as far as I know, did not issue an unconstitutional executive order about relieving one’s self in the woods.

On my House Mountain hike #168, on Good Friday, 4/10/2020, a “state approved,” by unconstitutional executive order, barrier blocked this upper parking lot and the lower parking lot. The barriers are gone. They should never have been there.

I have six more hikes to go, to reach hike #175 on “My Mountain.” The Corona Myopia continues, but it finally seems to be waning. My next article will have further comments on the topic.

Y’all keep ‘em straight out thar!” To my good friend, Jay S., who attained the young, old age of 60 today, my sign-off, following the Reverend Billy Ray Collins’ line, is for you! Happy birthday, Jay! The three-way phone conversation that you, Steve H., and I had yesterday was COVID-19-compliant. I was wearing a mask and holding the phone with a gloved hand, to avoid spreading the cold virus through the phone!