
Sunday, May 17, 2020


The article on 5/10/2020 mentioned my “stealth mission” from the previous day. Yesterday was Mrs. Appalachian Irishman’s 34th year of “suffering long” with me. (I speculate that she may think otherwise.)

Several years ago, her mother had given her a pearl ring. A few years ago, the original pearl setting fell out and vanished. I surprised her with a new, replacement pearl setting. Well, that replacement pearl fell out, but it did not vanish. I had held on to it, until the proper time. Ah, our wedding anniversary was the proper time!

On Saturday, 5/9/2020, I took a “stealth mission” to Fountain City Jewelers, to reattach the pearl. In true Ferrell fashion, I was able to pick up the restored ring yesterday, just in time! Ain’t I a fine husband, dear?

Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I had a late afternoon meal at Litton's. Dinner is the noon meal. Supper is the evening meal. City slickers have brunch. That’s a late breakfast. What do city slickers call a late dinner or an early supper? Of course, the employees were all wearing masks. Tables were spaced farther apart. We still had a fine meal. The waitress shared my sarcastic sense of humor. We had a good time. Our COVID-19-compliant 34th wedding anniversary is one to remember!

Well, dear, I’m glad that you have been so “long-suffering,” having endured me as your husband all these years! The Ferrell in me doesn’t drop the L-word very often. Actions speak louder than words. I love you, dear.

Yes, yes, readers may wonder why this article includes no photographs. Apparently, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman is still trying to get an appointment with her “barber,” or whatever you ladies call a barber. She thinks that she needs a haircut and whatever else her “barber” does, so I didn’t photograph her. Thus, I still get to eat her home cooking!

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