
Sunday, May 03, 2020

HOUSE MOUNTAIN #169 (published 5-3-2020)

On Saturday, 5/2/2020, I hiked “My Mountain” (also known as House Mountain) for the 169th time. The weather was sunny and warm, but not too warm. I hiked up and then back down the west trail only. Enjoy the photographs and the commentary!

This is looking southwest at the west bluff. The tree branch, on which I had been hanging my canteen, ball cap, and outer layer, finally broke off, sometime since my last hike. It was there for many years. One young person was in each of the two hammocks. They agreed to be photographed. They and I enjoyed a fine conversation. Young folks such as these give me hope for the future.

On the hike back down, I passed several folks hiking up. One group of young people, not wearing masks, enjoyed my joke: “I saw a COVID-19-compliant bobcat on the trail, but there were no worries. He was wearing a mask!” A young man asked, “Was he wearing gloves?” That was a great reply to my joke!

I met another group. Each person was wearing a mask. I told them my bobcat joke. They seemed to enjoy the humor.

Another group included a man, who was wearing a T-shirt that read, “I am the Change.” We talked a while. We shook hands (even if the “govrmint” suggests otherwise). He and I were Boy Scouts. We understood each other perfectly! Change is needed. We are united in our effort to change this once-great nation back to what it used to be, when it more closely followed biblical values.

The difference at the parking lots was that the governor had lifted his unconstitutional executive order that had “disallowed” folks to park and hike. The fancy outhouse, however, is still locked, as the above photograph shows. The red tape (no pun intended) warns of electrical danger. I wondered if the state employee(s), who put up the tape, had only that tape or if the fancy outhouse is now wired to shock violators! Of course, a hiker can take a number one or a number two in the woods anywhere, as long as no one notices. Leaves are available for wiping as needed. The governor, as far as I know, did not issue an unconstitutional executive order about relieving one’s self in the woods.

On my House Mountain hike #168, on Good Friday, 4/10/2020, a “state approved,” by unconstitutional executive order, barrier blocked this upper parking lot and the lower parking lot. The barriers are gone. They should never have been there.

I have six more hikes to go, to reach hike #175 on “My Mountain.” The Corona Myopia continues, but it finally seems to be waning. My next article will have further comments on the topic.

Y’all keep ‘em straight out thar!” To my good friend, Jay S., who attained the young, old age of 60 today, my sign-off, following the Reverend Billy Ray Collins’ line, is for you! Happy birthday, Jay! The three-way phone conversation that you, Steve H., and I had yesterday was COVID-19-compliant. I was wearing a mask and holding the phone with a gloved hand, to avoid spreading the cold virus through the phone!

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