
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

NORRIS, “FAVORITE” SISTER-IN-LAW, & FATHER’S DAY (published 6-24-2020; updated 9/25/2022)

9/25/2022: updated for style only. My words remain the same.


On 6/21/2020, Father’s Day and “favorite” sister-in-law’s birthday, I hiked Norris Dam State Park, for the 21st time. This was my 221st total hike (since 4/23/2000, when I started my hiking log). So, as I joked, “favorite” sister-in-law was “21” on 6/21/2020!

A Day on the Lake”

My Father's Day gift to my father-in-law and my birthday gift to my “favorite” sister-in-law was “a day on the lake,” via the following photograph.

I'd taken the photograph, early in the afternoon, looking west, on the lower River Bluff trail. Norris Dam is to the left or north, behind me. The trail is a 3.2-mile loop. I'd taken the lower, left side loop that starts, going south.

The above photograph is after I'd finished the lower left loop, then hiked up the ridge, and then hiked across, heading north, just under the ridge line. I came out, where I'd hiked in. The above image is at the start of the loop. Coming into the loop, your choice is left or right. I'd chosen left first and came out right.

Isn’t that like life? We all chose left (i.e., to sin). Then, some chose right (i.e., to accept the Good Lord’s free gift offer, through His Son, our Savior.) Those who chose right, in the end, come out right.

As a side note, coming out, the clouds arrived and the thunder started. The rain arrived, at my father-in-law’s house, after I’d been there a while, for “favorite” sister-in-law’s birthday and father-in-law’s day activities. Fleetwood Mac was wrong. Thunder doesn’t only happen when it’s raining. Their song is still great, however!

There he is! My new, ol' truck didn’t get a country boy washing, by the rain that came, until he was in the driveway at my in-laws’ house! The above image is where he was parked, near the trail entrance.


Well, Father’s Day was Sunday. I have a good father-in-law, who is still here. Dad used to ask, “you boys ready to eat?” That was when he was still alive, but Mom was already Home. He was here without her from 12/27/2000 to 1/25/2008. He liked to make dinner or supper, for us, when we were with him, at the homeplace. He turned into a good cook, after Mom went Home!

Supper was fine, on Sunday, Dad! I miss you. I’ll see you again.

AGE 14 JEANS, FLAG DAY, 6-16-2020, GNATS (published 6-24-2020)


The most recent article, on 6/13/2020, promised an article the next day. Today is not the next day. Oh, well, at least I’m trying!

Age 14 Jeans

The last article referenced the eldest daughter, of my youngest brother and his wife. She attained age 14, on Friday, 6/12/2020. Ironically, on that day, I decided that a pair of my blue jeans, at least 14 or more years old, needed to retire.

The front does not look too bad. I could patch a hole at a “sensitive area.” Do you see part of my feet? Do you see that little red spot, on my right foot, between my big toe and the next one? If and when that spot and the spot on the back of my right heel (not visible) both go away, then my right foot may recover fully! Let’s hike! The ankle area and bone to my big toe still feel every step differently than my undamaged left foot.

The back, however, has a fatal hole! It would take too much patchwork to cover that gaping hole! (Of course, I could delegate Mrs. Appalachian Irishman that task, but I won’t!) So, the blue jeans that are at least 14 years old are retired. Oh, yes, I wear an ankle wrap on my right foot, when I’m in the house, walking barefooted. It helps, as far as I can tell. I don’t need the ankle wrap, but it’s just my habit now. Let’s hike, if you can keep up with me! I still keep a strip, cut in half, of kinesiology tape, on various areas of my right foot. I change it once a week.

Flag Day

I’m ten days late! I remembered Flag Day and the reason why it’s called Flag Day. How many others remembered – in the midst of the current new cold virus and racial tension? America used to be a great nation, but we are dropping into oblivion very quickly – if you believe the propaganda that is in much of the media.

Dear Lord, I hope that folks, who need to do so, will restore their minds and hearts – before You call everyone “out of the pool!” We’ll see what happens.


On 6/16/1901, Lula Frank Amos Wood (last name by marriage to Aby William Wood) was born. She was and is (awaiting me at Home) my maternal grandmother. Granny Wood was a wonderful grandmother to me! I love her, and I miss her. I will see her again, at Home, one of these days!

On 6/16/2016, I took my first three steps, with a rolling walker -- in our kitchen, with Mrs. Appalachian Irishman standing behind me, in case I fell. These were my first steps since 3/29/2016 – when the uninsured, eighteen-year-old female failed to yield to my right of way.

I have recovered, to this point -- due to fine medical care, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, my strong and stubborn Irish will, neighbors, friends and family, and God’s grace. I am still recovering.

I have a fine friend, who hikes House Mountain. He has a doctorate in physics. He has self-taught doctorates in medicine, nutrition, philosophy, and other fields. He is about nine years older than me. I met him on House Mountain for the first time on 1/2/2011 (my 76th hike). I’ve either hiked with him or met him, on the trail, ten other times, with 12/3/2017 as the most recent. (I need to call him. It’s been a while.)

He told me, when we met on House Mountain, on 12/3/2017, that my recovery could take ten years. I hadn’t seen him since the hike, on 2/7/2016. I told him the details, about the wreck, on 3/29/2016. He listened carefully, observed me, asked questions, and concluded that my recovery could take ten years.

Various medical professionals have speculated about my recovery time. (I wouldn’t recover any more than I had, which was wrong! I would never recover fully. I may not. It may take seven to ten years to recover, to where I don’t feel too much difference.) The last one is about right, but more like ten years. Since I’m inside my body, I know that my fine friend was probably correct. I’m into year five now. I’m half way there. Let’s hike, if you can keep up with me!

By the way, my recovering left shoulder has been “talking to” my left side, even more than usual lately. Who cares? It just means that my “bionic” left shoulder is improving and sending “messages” to my left side. I do what I do, regardless! The power in my body is there! The will in my spirit will always be there -- even after the power in my body leaves, before I leave my body! Again, let’s hike!


Gnats are pesky. Last Friday evening, in my bathroom, I hunted down and sent, to his Maker, an adult gnat (i.e., fly) that was pestering us. Saturday evening, I sent another one, in our bedroom, to its grave (i.e., a trash can). Sunday, I swatted another two to their graves. That was four adult gnats in three days. I think that they have learned their lesson. We have not had any more adult gnats -- yet.

Anyone, who shares the everlasting perspective on life, should agree, on the first three gnats, mentioned below, that are aggravating our once great nation. Here are four gnats -- that, by way of irony, match the number of adult gnats that I'd killed. (I didn’t plan it this way. It just happened by coincidence.)

(1) The new cold virus: it’s also called coronavirus or COVID-19. The media (printed, television, online, social) are full of propaganda about it.

One social media soon to be ex-friend won’t lie down on this! I’ve stopped seeing his posts, for 30 days at a time, twice now! I’ve offered him, to hike with me and to email me. He has done neither yet. I hope that his wife doesn’t share his Corona Myopia obsession.

My job had me working at home for several weeks. Now, I’m working at home one week and at the office the next week, in rotation – doing exactly the same work. At the office, I must have my temperature taken. The secretary (temperature-checker) will not ask me the “required” health questions. I tell her anyway, as a joke, that I have all those symptoms! Last week, as a new sub-gnat, when I’m working at the office, I must wear a mask, unless I’m sitting at my desk! The insanity of it all is almost unbearable! Even when I’m alone, in the men’s bathroom (as the only man in the office, which includes two or three women only), I’m supposed to wear a mask! Really? So, if I’m in there taking a leak, with my mask off, where is the hidden camera that will catch me in violation? Argh! Get some common sense, employer!

Ain’t y’all tired of the insanity? Let’s move on, shall we? Who gives a rat’s rear end about the number of cases, recovered cases, new cases, ad nauseam? Heck, I might test positive for it. If I ever had it, I didn’t know it, as I had no symptoms! The new cold virus death count, in Knox County, has been, for many weeks and still is, at the time of this publication, five. (I regret the five deaths.) I’ve written many times on this topic. I’m done. Let’s move on!

(2) Racial tension: a bad white cop killed a bad black man. The white cop and other cops were wrong. They will face their crime. That’s justice. Another white cop killed a black man. The evidence seems to indicate that the killing was justified. The court will decide, correctly, as I hope. Many cops have been injured or killed, but they don’t make the news, at all or as often.

There are peaceful protests. That’s fine. There have been and still are ongoing riots, looting, vandalism, destruction, and so forth. That’s absolute insanity and anarchy! That must be stopped! No one has come around this house yet, to riot, loot, vandalize, or destroy. If it happens, I have firepower and plenty of ammunition.

Everyone should have been taught the childhood song: “Red and yellow, black and white, they [all] are precious in His sight.” Yes, black and white slavery is historical. (My Irish heritage includes slavery to the English.) Blacks have enslaved blacks and whites. Whites have enslaved whites and blacks. A wise man once stated that we should judge a person by the content of his character, not by the color of his skin. I agree. All lives matter, and that is not a disregard to blacks, as they are included in all lives matter! Unborn children are included in all lives matter!

The Good Lord gives us permission to be “fruit inspectors,” without being judgmental. I inspect fruit. I do not judge unjustly (which is prejudice). I have known many people -- yellow, red, black, and white -- who are fine folks. I have known many of the various color shades that are not fine folks. I cling to the former and avoid the latter, unless I can help educate the latter into the Good Lord’s grace!

Grow up, America, and get over your childishness or your hidden agenda! Move on!

(3) Supreme Court: the judicial branch has no more or less power than the legislative and executive branches. All three branches can be right or wrong, based on the truth of the Law Giver, who established absolute moral law, before there was the thought of the USA.

Last Monday, the Supreme Court, which doesn’t see itself bound by the Law Giver’s absolute moral law, “ruled” that the 1964 Civil Rights Act's prohibition on employment sex discrimination also banned employment discrimination based on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” By the way, about five years ago, the Supreme Court decided that same-sex marriage is constitutional, even if it is not moral.

Moral employers (i.e., many small business owners, many churches, and such) will be the ongoing targets. I could write more, but this is a gnat.

Last Thursday, their DACA “ruling” allowed the illegal children, of illegal aliens, to remain, legally, in the country, illegally. The illogic is obvious. It’s another gnat.

(4) Deck repair: yes, I know that this is a much smaller gnat, in the context of the previous three larger gnats. I was aggravated, however, by a young man, who needs to learn a life lesson. I hope that I am teaching him. He has a fine father, who is my friend. We need deck repair. In respect to my fine friend, I called his son, who does deck work. We talked by phone one time. He did not want to meet face-to-face and inspect the deck in person. The email exchange continued a while. Finally, I “fired” him, which he understood, and I moved on. We have had two face-to-face visits, from seasoned businessmen, who inspected, in person, provided suggestions, in person, and will soon provide written estimates. We will select one. That’s how business should be done!

Yes, I know that this is a very small gnat, but I had my Irish up for a while. I’m over it. The work will be done, in the proper (old school) way of doing business. The young man lost income. An older, wiser man will get income. The older teach the younger, as it should be done.


Well, I’m done, but wait! Another article follows this one, on this same day.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

UPDATE: THE NOMINAL, FINAL (12th) MASSAGE, NORRIS #20, AGE 14, CONCLUSION (published 6-13-2020)


Well, howdy to all readers in online land!

I started writing this article on 6/9/2020, which was a work-from-home day. For an unknown reason, my employer thinks that it’s reasonable for me to do the exact same work at home one week and then at the office the next week in a weekly rotation.

On Saturday, 6/13/2020, I’m getting around to finishing what I started. Always finish what you start, if it’s good.

The Nominal (from an Everlasting Perspective)

Since the article of 5/25/2020, on Memorial Day, a few nominal (from an everlasting perspective) events have happened. On 5/26/2020, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and my “favorite” sister-in-law went in our car to and from their teaching jobs to do something. The school system has been closed, due to COVID-19, since 3/16/2020. Their summer break starts on 6/1/2020.

Also, on 5/26/2020, our COVID-19 “Stimulus Check,” from “Uncle,” arrived finally. The USA's money was probably borrowed from China, the nation that started the COVID-19 insanity.

On Monday, 6/1/2020, summer began! (I’ve told y’all a few times now.) The day also started my week of work at the office. Apparently, the bureaucratic powers have decided that I will work at the office one week and then from home the next week in a weekly rotation. It’s insanity, of course! It’s easier for me to walk five seconds from the master bedroom to my home office than to drive 16.4 miles one way to do the exact same job at the office.

Wednesday, 6/3/2020, involved (a) Mrs. Appalachian Irishman having her most recent medical appointment for a relatively minor health problem. She’ll be fine. No, it’s not the new cold virus! (b) “Uncle” Skyler attained the grand age of 12. I called. We talked. He’s a fine young man, who is coming along nicely! I’m proud of you, “Uncle” Skyler! (This “Uncle” Skyler note is not nominal! He and this note are important! The placement happened to be here, in the context of the date of writing.)

By the way, on 6/6/2020 – the 76th anniversary of D-Day (mentioned in the 6/6/2020 article) – I got another COVID-19-compliant haircut! I’d called my barber earlier that morning, to set up a COVID-19-compliant appointment. My barber can’t yet return to being a free barber, in a free nation, by taking walk-ins, as had been usual. Of course, I had a fine haircut. Afterward, I bought Molly (our doggy) some treats at the Tractor Supply. I saw one person wearing a mask, among the several who were there.

As a final side note, this nation has gone insane again. A white police officer is facing justice for killing a black man, whom he had placed in a very bad type of choke hold that, apparently, killed the black man. The news and social media are rife with stories and comments. The various television channels are covered with this now, instead of the new cold virus stuff.

Protests, in a civilized fashion, are valid, because of our God-given rights, as affirmed but not given in the Constitution. Rioting and looting, however, are not valid. It will all stop eventually. The white police officer and the other officers involved are facing judgment. I hope that the black man, who was killed, and the officers were or are ready for everlasting judgment. That’s the big picture, y’all!

Final (12th) Massage

On Sunday, 6/7/2020, I had my final (12th) deep tissue massage. That finished my one-year agreement. The massage was good, as usual. I can get along without them. If the massage management has sense, they will agree to my offer to set up eight-week, instead of four-week, massages, where I pay on the massage date and not in advance.

My every-four-week massages have been on Saturdays, usually. I had to set a Sunday appointment, since the therapist, who has done most of the massages, wasn’t available the day before, which was the 76th anniversary of D-Day.

Norris #20

I told y’all! Norris Dam State Park hike #20 is in my hiking log! There is a little trail above the west dam overlook. The trail starts on a county line, so I hiked in two counties in one day! Of course, it’s not much of a trail or much of a hike, but it was too warm and muggy for anything else. The sun was out.

The above photograph is looking roughly southeast on the trail (or service road), to where I was hiking next.

The above photograph looks roughly northwest on the same trail (service road), up which I’d just hiked.

I had taken all three photographs a few minutes apart. I was standing in about the same spot for each image. The last one (above) is looking roughly northwest. Do you see my new, ol' truck? I do! He’s resting on the paved road that leads to the west overlook.

I didn’t get enough sweat or workout on one loop. So, I hiked the little loop twice. I came out twice at the west overlook. The next two photographs are from the “more civilized” west overlook, or tourist location, on my final loop.


I wondered, “Who is in that truck?” Both views look northeast. The views were grand! I’ve seen them several times.

I was ready to get back to the house. The final photograph is next.

Yes, my new, ol' truck was still there, awaiting my return! Of course, I had to take off my T-shirt that was soaked in sweat, to change into the dry T-shirt that I’d had on when I'd arrived. My truck had waited patiently.

Age 14

Thursday, 6/11/2020, was the anniversary of Granny Ferrell’s passing in 1971. I have fond childhood memories of Granny Ferrell. I’ll see her again, at Home, one of these fine days.

On Friday, 6/12/2020, the elder daughter of my youngest brother and his wife attained the grand age of fourteen! That day, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman “hunted” her a few birthday gifts. I spoke, by phone, with my youngest brother. His elder daughter was too busy having fun!

In June 1974, the Earl and Betty Ferrell household, which included their four sons, moved from the Livesay farmhouse, which Mom and Dad had been renting, to our new homeplace. Mom remembered the exact move in date. I can’t remember it. It was in June. I would attain the grand age of fourteen the next month. I started high school that fall.

The elder daughter of my youngest brother and his wife was a member of the Bulls Gap Lady Bulldogs basketball team that finished fourth in the state! The article from 2/9/2020 highlights that victory! That fine memory will continue to build her character in the proper manner. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I are proud of you, your younger sister, and your godly parents! We love y’all!


Well, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman is in the early stages of supper preparation. Let’s eat soon, y’all! By the way, Molly (our doggy) is doing very well. We have very interesting conversations at times. I’m still learning to speak doggy. Molly is learning to understand my English and Russian.

My article tomorrow may have a few remarks about the new cold virus (which some folks can’t seem to let go) and the newest racial tension drama (which is driven by propaganda and a hidden agenda).

Didn’t y’all learn the childhood song? “Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.” Look for additional words of wisdom on this topic tomorrow, if I can get around to writing about it.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

D-DAY 76th ANNIVERSARY: REMEMBER (published 6-6-2020)

D-Day, June 6th, 1944

Today, Saturday, June 6, 2020, is the 76th anniversary (inclusive) of that profound date in history. I was not born until 1960. I remember every June 6th.

The most recent article, Homeplace and Memorial Day Memories,” was published on Monday, 5/25/2020, Memorial Day. It is fitting that this article follows it.

Planned Hike in Remembrance of D-Day

My most recent hike at Norris Dam State Park was on Saturday, 3/30/2019. I've hiked there 19 times so far, including five hikes with my “bionic” joints.

I hike Norris in the warm weather, since House Mountain, “My Mountain,” has more poison oak and ivy, ticks, and snakes in warm weather. I've hiked House Mountain 170 times so far, including 34 “bionic” hikes.

Today, aside from a few folks (e.g., my ‘cuz Debbie), is anyone else remembering the anniversary of D-Day? So far, according to my “Farcebook” check, only ‘cuz Debbie and I remember.

Lord willing, tomorrow afternoon will be my 20th hike at Norris Dam State Park! I will do so, if I have enough power in my body. The planned hike will be in remembrance of D-Day in 1944.


Before hiking tomorrow, however, I must have my 12th and final every-four-week deep tissue massage. I started the routine on Friday, 7/5/2019. The final massage won’t hinder me. I will, Lord willing, hike Norris!

Y’all have a good supper this evening. Look for an article about my forthcoming hike at Norris! Remember D-Day!