The Nominal
First, let's start with the nominal. On Monday, 9/14/2020, after my work from home day and Mrs. Appalachian Irishman’s teaching at school day, we had our usual, every four weeks, chiropractic adjustments. I, especially, needed mine – after the 9/13/2020 latest “whatever” (i.e., a left shoulder ricochet, into my right shoulder and down both sides of my back). Chiropractic adjustments are usually pain free. I felt the left shoulder area pain enough, at the adjustment.
Tomorrow, I work from home. The routine is work from home, on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday but at the office, on Wednesday and Thursday. It's an insane schedule. I plan to work, from 8 AM to 10:30 AM only. My dentist will “corona” (i.e., crown) the upper left tooth (the one just before the wisdom tooth) that I chipped, on Monday, 8/10/2020, while eating lunch at home. I had bitten into a peach seed, certainly not on purpose.
Afterward, I hope that our fine chiropractor will be able to see me, in the afternoon. My current “whatever” is significant. The core of my back muscles, on both sides, and the muscle group, across the back of my neck, are stiff. I hope that this is another go backward to go forward. I have done the backward to go forward enough. “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?” No, scratch that! Dear Lord, won’t you balance out all my muscles? The trauma recovery, on my muscles, is taking too long. I’m tired of it.
9/17/2020 Family Heritage
My Dad, Earl Ferrell (middle name not mentioned, as he didn’t like it, for the known family heritage reason), was the final (and eighth) child of Marion and Gertrude Archer Ferrell, my grandparents. He was born on 9/17/1927.
Dad was a fine Christian man -- despite his Irish temper (which I have too). I got to know Dad well, once I became a man. I understood his Irish temper, as well as I do my own. He went Home, to see Mom and many others, on 1/25/2008.
On 9/17/2020, Thursday, I worked at the office. I remembered.
If you search this website, by “Dad,” you can find several articles about him. One of my best articles, about Dad, is “Well Machine & Water Truck Legacy (published 6-26-2010)”. Dad, thank you for being a fine father. The Winesap trees that you planted are still producing Winesap apples. I know that you planted them, even with your ticker trouble, for me, years ago. Ferrell men don’t drop the “love” word often. We prefer to show it by our actions. I love you, Dad. I’ll see you again.
9/18/2020 “Poly-ticks”
“Poly,” from Greek, means many. Tick is a blood sucker. I hope that you like my invented word, “poly-ticks.” I like it.
Well, Ruth Ginsburg died, on 9/18/2020. The day was also Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה), New Year, on the Hebrew calendar, which began at sundown.
I have read and heard, on the various media sources, about her life. Ruth Ginsburg endured her share of hardship in life – to say the least. It is interesting. I do not diminish her life story. I admire the toughness of her strong-willed spirit. I have the same type of spirit – but from predominately Irish roots.
I hope that Ruth Ginsburg accepted the Good Lord’s free gift offer, of salvation through his Son. I don’t know. If she did, I will see her. If she didn’t, I will not.
Ruth Ginsburg was the second, at the time, female Supreme Court Justice (my politically correct moment in writing). Still in my politically correct writing moment, Sandra Day O’Conner was the first. Two more, who are on the Court now, came later. Okay, my politically correct writing moment is done.
Gender (i.e., two only) does not matter. What matters, for Supreme Court Justices, is how they interpret the Constitution. They are either traditional (i.e., the plain meaning of the Constitution, as written, means what it says) or “living” (i.e., the Constitution means what folks say that it means now).
As a theological sidetrack, biblical interpretation is the same. Theologians, including myself, interpret the Bible, as it was inspired and written. Other theologians interpret a “living Bible” – whatever the heck they mean by that! The “living Word” theologians are wrong. I can prove it.
The “living Constitution” folks are wrong also. I can prove it. It is easy enough to do – if such folks have logical minds, which are educated in valid reasoning. If they don't have such minds, then I don’t argue with fence posts.
Ruth Ginsburg was on the Supreme Court, by Bill Clinton’s 6/15/1993 nomination, from 8/10/1993 to the day that she died. (That’s 27 years.) I found a few articles, which seem credible enough, that listed her “notable” Supreme Court decisions. Neither of the two websites that I list is conservative. I read “Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Most Famous Supreme Court Cases,” Newsweek, by James Crowley, 9/18/2020, and “Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Second Woman on Supreme Court, Dies at 87,” Bloomberg, by Greg Stohr and Laurence Arnold, 9/18/2020.
My comments on her “notable” decisions are as follows.
Stenberg v. Carhart: Ruth Ginsburg was WRONG, in her opinion. Life, in the womb, is life. The male or female unborn child is a human, developing in the early stages of life. Murder (inside or outside the womb, unless to save the physical life, in reality, of the mother) is murder. She was WRONG.
Gonzalez v. Carhart: the Supreme Court upheld, as it should have, based on God’s highest court, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. Ruth Ginsburg dissented. She, again, was WRONG.
United States v. Virginia: Ruth Ginsburg was RIGHT – if a woman, serving in the military, can do the exact same physical tasks, as a man. I know women, who can do more physical tasks than men. Women, who serve in the military and can do the same tasks, as men, are great. Women, in the military, who cannot do so, are a liability in combat.
Safford Unified School District v. Redding: Ruth Ginsburg was RIGHT. No one should strip search a 13-year-old girl, regardless of the reason, anywhere, especially in school. Whoever did the strip search needs to have found the Good Lord.
Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company: I wonder why this case rose to the Supreme Court. Reading the details wasted my time. Ruth Ginsburg may have been right or not. I don’t know. I don’t care. It was a case, about pay details. Yawn!
A quote, from the Bloomberg article, reference previously, states, “in 2013, she was the first justice to officiate at a same-sex marriage, and two years later was part of the 5-4 majority that legalized gay marriage nationwide.” Ruth Ginsburg was WRONG. The so-called “Supreme Court” was WRONG. God, in His supreme court, has dictated that marriage is one man and one woman. His Son verified this. There is no “gay” (i.e., homosexual) marriage. That is not God’s law. God’s law trumps man’s law, every time.
I had a bit of intellectual fun, by writing this article. Otherwise, I still have the everlasting perspective and the biblical worldview. I continue to endure this temporal world, which doesn't follow the biblical worldview.
When’s supper ready, dear? I’m hungry! To our doggy, Molly, I’m sorry that I didn’t take you hiking today. My recent “whatevers” kept me from doing so. I could have hiked, but I might not have been balanced enough, walking those tight spots, where a person could take a bad fall. Wisdom dictates that I wait. I wait, impatiently. I need to get into the woods soon!