
Saturday, February 27, 2021

2/27/2021: “LIFE, SUCH AS IT IS,” UPDATE


When will we ever get rain? It is too dry. A dust bowl is starting. We need rain!

Of course, I am joking. The last rainy spell changed to a sunny but too warm pattern for a few days. That changed to the current rainy and too warm “winter” weekend. By the way, meteorological spring starts on March 1. I ignore astronomical spring, which starts on March 20 this year. We have one more day of winter. Spring, as I hope, will be cooler and drier than this so-called winter has been. Of course, spring could toss in a good snow or two! That would be fine.

Life, Such As It Is

Side note: I finally published an article four days ago about the new cold virus. I commented on it today. It was just a side note. The socialist propagandists still use the new cold virus for their nefarious purposes.

Monday, 2/22/2021: It was a rainy day. I was working from home. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, bravely, continues to drive daily to and from her vice principal/teacher job in Sevierville. Her sister, who has Corona Myopia Psychosis in spades, still “teaches” from home. Of the 30 educators in the school building, my sister-in-law is the only one who “teaches” from home, as per Mrs. Appalachian Irishman.

Last Friday, my dentist's office left a voicemail and texted my cell phone, while I was working at the office. I was taking a leak in the outhouse at the time. The office notified me that my dental cleaning appointment today at 9 AM was still set. I still had the reminder card from my last annual cleaning.

Last year, I had an upper left tooth crowned: 8/13/2020, temporary filling; 9/21/2020, temporary crown; and 10/19/2020, permanent crown set in place. I wrote about it. Now, my teeth are fine. I brush and floss three times daily.

After work last Friday, I tried to return the call from my dentist's office to cancel today's appointment. The voicemail system wasn't working. Today, a dental assistant called my cell phone while I was working from home. She wondered if I was in their parking lot. I educated her very quickly and politely.

I may arrange an annual cleaning appointment in July. Yes, I had some fun!

Tuesday, 2/23/2021: The rain yesterday has turned to sunny and too warm weather. I worked as usual. I did publish my more recent article before this one. See the above side note.

On 3/29/2016, almost five years ago, I acquired my “bionic” left shoulder, right knee, and right foot. I have written about this several times. I was 55. On 2/23/2021, Tiger Woods, at age 45, acquired his “bionic” right leg, as I understand. He may need to add left leg “bionics” also. Tiger Woods made the national news. I did not. One article about him is here. I have written my own articles about my “bionics.” They begin here.

Tiger Woods is 15 years younger than me. He is famous. I am “infamous.” He will have about ten years until he doesn't notice much difference, if he makes the proper effort to recover. I am almost at the five-year mark, still doing all that I can do to fully recover. I have about five more years to go.

Wednesday, 2/24/2021: I worked from home in the insanity. My wife worked as usual. She'd told me yesterday that she would not get a "corony" shot. Today, however, she arrived home at 5:47 PM. I didn't know what delayed her. I had swept out the garage and played with Molly, our “old puppy.” Afterward, I started warming up the leftover stew. Once my wife arrived home, she told me that she just took a "corony" shot at about 5:30 PM. Well, good, dear! I hope that you don't grow a new ear!

As of this entry, she is not growing a new ear. I assume that her sister will “man up” and get a “corony” shot. Afterward, her sister will have no reason to continue “teaching” from home.

Thursday, 2/25/2021: On Christmas Day, 12/25/2003, my wife and I were with Dad, who was still alive, and other family members at the homeplace. My youngest brother and his wife presented us with Smokie. She became our “little kitty cat.” We had Smokie, until her passing, on 2/25/2015. Smokie lived almost 12 years. She had been ill for a little while before she died. It was a form of feline cancer that the veterinarian could not cure. At about 4 AM in the darkness on 2/25/2015, we buried Smokie under the back deck. We were up with her most of the night. We knew her end was near. The outside temperature was about 15 degrees.

Today, I remembered. It's easy to remember. Dad joined my mother on 1/25/2008. The days are the same, plus a month and seven years for Smokie. I wonder if my parents, Smokie, and the dogs that have gone on (Bandit, Wendy, and Buddy) are having a great time. Smokie was a good kitty. All good dogs go to heaven. Good kitties do too.

Friday, 2/26/2021: Well, my wife and I survived another workweek. Rain was coming. By the way, Molly, our dog, is doing wonderfully well. You should see us as Molly and I play “doggies” outside! We play the “got 'ems” game inside every evening. My wife should video record us!

Molly and I, however, were robbed of hiking House Mountain together often. A few hikes have been when someone was with us to help me control the leash. Molly and I hiked several times, before my “fun” started on 3/29/2016. We haven't hiked but a few times since. We were robbed, Molly! Eventually, we will hike with Bandit, Wendy, Buddy, and even Smokie in the everlasting hiking realm.


As I told a neighbor earlier today, I occupied my time by writing this article. Today, the rain held off, while I hauled off trash and recycling. My wife made her usual visit to her folks and shopped for groceries. She added shopping at the Dollar General Store, just for extra “fun.”

At 5:52 PM, I'm signing off for now. I'm still working on my next article. It will be about recent “poly-ticks” in this once-great nation.

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