Why did Mrs. Appalachian Irishman have “snow” days off yesterday and today? What snow? Do you call a dusting and mild winter weather snow? Weaklings! I digress, of course.
As another digressive note from yesterday, I am supposed to work from home Mondays through Wednesdays and at the office, doing the same job, on Thursdays and Fridays. The schedule was imposed upon me yesterday. Coworkers had similar schedules dictated to them. I am quite ready to retire from my state job, since the higher-ups disregard the wisdom of my suggestions as to how to better manage the state department. Forgive me for another digression.
Having cooled my Irish dander, let's focus on the purpose of this article! Our niece, the older daughter of my youngest brother and his wife, is honored!
Photograph from The Rogersville Review, 12/25/2020 Edition
A sports section article in The Rogersville Review, 12/25/2020 edition, included a photograph of the Cherokee High School Chiefs ladies junior varsity basketball team. The main web page is Cherokee High School: Girls Basketball. I see a Ferrell, standing proudly and wearing number 22. Don't you?
Photograph from The Rogersville Review, 1/27/2021 Edition
Another sports section article from The Rogersville Review, 1/27/2021 edition, includes the above photograph. I see number 22 in action! Do you?
The article describes how the Lady Chiefs Junior Varsity won the game. It states that our niece scored seven points!
As usual, my work schedule is insane. Life goes on, such as it is, for our family and for those reading this article. Frustratingly, we are “livin' la vida Rona,” due to the current obsession with the new coronavirus. Political vexation is found in the disturbing beginning of the Ununited Socialist States of America (USSA). We shall survive!
Our niece, however, brings honor to the Fearghail clan. Her achievements bring me joy, as I write this in her honor. Dear niece, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I love you! We love your father, mother, and younger sister too! When will we see you all? We have Christmas gifts for your sister and you!
Today is Groundhog Day, by the way. Current socialistic and unconstitutional “lockdowns” are preventing and delaying families from getting together!
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