
Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday, 3/22/2021: “Poly-ticks” Pot Party Fun!


As I have stated for decades, “poly-ticks” is from the Greek word “poly” (many) and “ticks” (blood suckers). I prefer to say “poly-ticks” instead of politics. Pot is a known plant-based substance. A party is, well, a party.

I hope that you enjoy this article. Let's have some “poly-ticks” pot party fun!


First, I will note the minutiae. Tim Burchett is our Ununited Socialist States of America (USSA) House Representative. He was a great Knox County superintendent (or mayor). He has advanced to his current political level. I am glad for him. He emails me his monthly newsletters.

In his 3/2/2021 newsletter, he wrote, regarding the $1.9 trillion spending spree with printed money, “Only 9% of the money in this so-called relief bill actually goes to addressing coronavirus concerns.” I fact-checked this. Depending on how you count the money that the USSA does not have, he is mostly correct. He added, “Over $1 trillion in already-appropriated federal COVID-19 economic aid remains unspent.” I didn't care to check that. If the USSA has not completely spent the last round of money tree funds, how will it spend the newest money tree amount? It is all a joke! The USSA will keep on printing Monopoly money. A thousand dollars may become worth a dollar eventually. I have written about the details recently.

On 3/2/2021, I must have commented on Representative Burchett's website, which requires much “hoop-jumping” to comment. On 3/11/2021, he replied by email to my remarks, about which I had forgotten. His reply was mundane and not relevant.

On 3/14/2021, on his Facebook profile (Congressman Tim Burchett), I wrote, in the Community Section: “The Appalachian Irishman is preparing an article to be published, re: the democrat socialist agenda. On 3/16/2021, at 6 PM, I plan to join the ones who call in for your Town Hall. You are doing well enough. Your email contact system is in need of much improvement, however.”

On 3/16/2021, I joined Representative Burchett's Town Hall (by calling 865-217-2185) at 5:59 PM. I waited. The teleconference started. I left a comment at about 6:08 PM. By 6:18 PM, I did not hear a reply, and supper was ready. I dropped.

Tim Burchett is doing his best to stand against the USSA Democrat socialist agenda. I am also doing so. We will lose. The USA is gone, boys. Welcome to the USSA socialist utopia! The USSA is at least 100 years behind the former USSR. I have written about this recently.

The two Tennessee senators are Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty. I voted for Marsha Blackburn. I voted for myself instead of Bill Hagerty, due to his obsessive efforts to contact me to vote for him. Marsha Blackburn has a newsletter. I signed up for it yesterday. Why doesn't Bill Hagerty have a newsletter? Marsha Blackburn takes a hard stand for constitutional principles. I hope Bill Hagerty will do so also. He is better than “Lamar,” whom he replaced.

Pot Party

At the moment, the USSA is enjoying a “democrat socialist pot party.” The printed Monopoly money, or “weed,” has many folks high. Like pot, once the drug-induced high wears off, the USSA must come down.

Decades ago, a lifelong friend shared an event that happened not long after high school. Another friend and he were at a party. My friend did not drink or do drugs. His friend smoked marijuana. This other friend of my friend had inhaled or swallowed too much marijuana. My friend stated that he found his friend on the front porch, ironically, with his head in a flower pot and saying, “I need to come back down to earth, man!”

The USSA will come back down to earth after the current socialist and democratic “pot party” is over. It may take 70 to 100 years for it to do so.


I started this article yesterday and published it today. Life, such as it is, goes on. Are you ready to come down to earth? I am ready to leave this earth to go to the heavenly home. Of course, I plan to enjoy several more hikes on House Mountain before doing so.

It's almost supper time. I'm 10-10 on the side until the next article.

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