
Sunday, April 04, 2021

HE IS RISEN! (published 4-4-2021)


I wonder if, by God's providence, my “bionic” left shoulder “whatevers,” which started on 3/29/2021, kept me from doing much today. I do not know. God did not tell me.

By faith, however, I have written. I hope that you will be inspired.

Faith by Sight

A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
Then Jesus told him,
“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:26-29, NIV)

The inspired apostle John recorded the details, centuries ago, for us. His inspired words are still alive today. The scene was after Jesus had risen from the dead and had been seen by many, except Thomas. Thomas went quickly from doubt to belief, by seeing Jesus, in his resurrected body. The evidence was overwhelming. He could doubt no longer.

Life on Mars

The motivation for the title of this segment, “Life on Mars,” is from a dear relative, who had written a deep and meaningful poetic thought by that title. The stylistically well-crafted words involve the hypothetical situation of a person -- having been frozen in state and transported to Mars – who was awaiting to be thawed, to meet her Maker. “Resurrection has come” is one line.

The poetic words conclude, “Frozen people sent to Mars; frozen planet life in jars.” We are temporal life in jars (i.e., everlasting souls in physical bodies). The soul (i.e., who we are, really) is everlasting. Eventually, we get out of our “jars,” and we “float to Mars” (i.e., we go HOME, to meet our Maker)! If we are ready, we have a pleasant and welcoming meeting. If we are not ready, the meeting will be unpleasant judgment.

Temporal Life in Everlasting Context

I have a friend and sister in Christ. Her husband is enduring a serious trial. My 3/29/2021 article mentioned, and was inspired by, his wife and him. On Good Friday, she, in complete honesty, expressed her thoughts at the time. She wondered why the trial befell her husband. She desires earthly justice for evil people. She knows that God is in control and that, in the end, it will work out. She referenced Romans 8:28.

The following are two segments, from my still incomplete and unpublished book, “Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

2. Relational Scar (written 8/29/2016): “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28 NIV). “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief” (Mk. 9:24 KJV).

If God has providential will, and He does, and if He knew how the timing of Mom’s illness and death would affect me, and He did, then why did He allow it to happen? (As a sidebar, since I am where I am, due to Mom’s death, why did He not cause 18-year-old “chicklet” to delay her trip by even two seconds, to not time her failure to yield perfectly, so as to hit my ol’ truck and me?)

EVERLASTING PERSPECTIVE (started 9/9/2016; finished 12/31/2020): I know that our permanent Home in Heaven will make all the evil we endure in this life appear in proper perspective, a fleeting moment compared to everlasting bliss.

My book, once finished and published, will include many more details and theological points. My friend and her husband, who is my friend, are enduring a trial. It is hard, as I know, to place the here and now suffering into everlasting perspective. They are managing. I am managing. This weekend would have been a great opportunity for House Mountain hike #178. Whatever I did, or didn't do, or didn't do correctly, on 3/29/2021, has bothered my left shoulder area since then. I felt too “busted up” to visit family, etc., in my home town or to hike. It's a bit depressing. I'll get over it. I will do what I didn't do this weekend, eventually. I am patient.

Patience is a key. Step by step and day by day are keys. We look forward, not backward. We accept, with some “fussin' and cussin',” the trials here. We endure. We hope and know the future. The future is getting out of the “jar” and meeting our Maker!


Иисус воскрес! Воистину, он воскрес! (Jesus arose! In truth, he arose!) This is how the Russian believers greet each other on Resurrection Day (i.e., Easter, as we call it). They call it “Pashka.” Russian Orthodox Pashka will be on Sunday, May 2, this year. (They follow the Julian calendar, not the Gregorian calendar.)

Faith is by sight. Thomas saw Jesus. He believed and knew. Faith is also seeing, by knowing, the yet physically unseen. I see Jesus by knowing faith. I will see him, as Thomas did, eventually, but not today.

I have faced two major faith trials in life, since we returned from Russia. The first involved my mother's illness (on 12/28/1999) and going Home (on 12/27/2000). The second was and is my 3/29/2016 ongoing “fun.”

Jesus said to Thomas, “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” I have not seen Jesus – yet. My mother, and so many others have. I believe based on my knowledge. The evidence is overwhelming. I have doubted. I can doubt no longer. The Truth is out there. I see Jesus. Do you know the Truth? I hope so. If not, you are welcome to e-mail me. My e-mail is in my website heading.

I hope that you are having a happy Resurrection Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, again, brother! I am the same person, who left a comment on your Good Friday column, two days before this one. I don't want to give my name. Trials have come my way too. I hope you publish your book. We see Jesus by faith. I can't wait to see him in person! God bless you!