
Sunday, May 02, 2021

Sunday, 5/2/2021: Poly-ticks Smorgasbord Catch-Up (#1)


I need to transition into a full-time, salaried writer-editor! I'm working on it slowly, if it happens. The Democrat socialist blitzkrieg (lightning war) strikes faster than I can keep up, neither in day-to-day life nor in my writings here. They are working on their plan quickly. If I wrote full-time and salaried, I could keep up by writing daily articles.

This is the first of a two-part series today to catch up to the blitzkrieg. By the way, “smorgasbord” is Swedish. The literal meaning is bread and butter (sandwich) table. The following is one of far too many free photographs. I searched for “Swedish smorgasbord photos free download.” I hope you're not hungry. The photograph shows good eatin'!

I started researching this general topic on 4/26/2021. I did additional research two days later. This two-part article is a summary of my working documents.

Socialist Democrats, in contrast to the photograph above, are serving up their smorgasbord of putrid items with blitzkrieg speed. Some are turning down their inedible items, which they try to force us to eat. Others are gulping down their putrid dishes as fast as they can. The upcoming and collective “socialist utopian” vomit session may take about seventy years to toss up.

Earth Day

My mind began contemplating these writings on 4/22/2021. That was “Earth Day.” Karl Marx spawned Vladimir Lenin, who was born on 4/22/1870. The spawn of Lenin started “Earth Day” on 4/22/1970, the centennial anniversary of Lenin's birth. On 4/21/2021, World Net Daily published the article "Earth Day's Real (Leninist) History." It includes many facts and known details for those who are educated in world history. The USSA Democrat socialists do not want this nation to be that well-educated. I'm trying to overcome their efforts in this article.

Socialists serve up the putrid dishes of “global climate change,” “the Green New Deal,” and so forth, trying to force them down our throats. One can waste time, reading all the propaganda websites. Many agree with the socialists. Many do not. I decided to go “straight to the horse's mouth.”

NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is a “govrmint” website. It has a great deal of information. In summary, the website shows “North America Temperature Anomalies.” The trend, from 1910 to 2021 (111 years, or 11 decades plus a year), is “+0.13 °C /decade” (an increase of 0.13 °C every ten years). In Fahrenheit, it means that North America has been warming by 0.234 °F every ten years. In 11 decades (110 years), North America's temperature has risen by a total of 2.574 °F. I knew it was getting a little warmer over the last sixty years.

The efforts of the former USA (now USSA), since the 1960s, have reduced vehicle emissions, reduced emissions from power plants and factories, and done other things to improve the air and water quality. I'm sure that Canada has done the same. The USSA cannot force major polluting nations, such as China, India, etc., to improve their standards. The Paris Climate Accord relies on the integrity of nations. The integrity of several nations is in question.

USSA socialists want to do more. They want to spend more Monopoly money to do so. I have a suggestion! Everyone in the USSA could give up central heat and air, electricity, and vehicles. We could return to the way my Irish ancestors lived, up to 1910. If we go back to 1910 living standards, we might prevent the cumulative total 2.574 °F temperature increase that could happen from 2020 to 2130!

Corona Myopia Psychosis

Socialists continue to use the new cold virus as a tool to their advantage. The tool has increased “govrmint” power and control at all levels.

On 4/28/2021, I published the article, “Mask On; Mask Off; I Am Still a Free Man, In a Once Free and Great Nation.” Socialists need to realize that their hidden agenda use of this tool has been unmasked.

On 4/25/2021, I found an article, published on 4/21/2021, titled “Woke Medicine Will Destroy the Hippocratic Oath.” The article is written by a doctor who “entered into the practice of medicine in 2005.” It is a good article. The doctor wrote in part:

I have watched as countless numbers of my colleagues proclaim they are “following the science” over the past year. At the same time, they have not been able to adequately produce the “science” to justify their actions. Thus, the COVID religion was birthed, and a massive cult following formed. They faithfully follow the four pillars of the Branch Covidian faith. The practice of medicine has not been immune from the infusion of wokeism into society. It is under attack from leftists all across the globe.

The emboldened words are mine, not the doctor's.

Every Life Matters, Except the Unborn

Socialists use their “higher moral code” to ensure that we know that every life, especially in the Black Lives Matter Movement, matters. Absolute morality affirms that every life matters, the born and the unborn.

Socialists continue to blabber on about choice in certain areas. For example, they affirm that one may choose to be a man or a woman or to switch his or her choice daily. They affirm that two men or two women may marry. I wonder when they will get around to affirming that a group of men and women may marry as one family (however many men and women are included), affirming that a man may marry an animal, or affirming that a woman may marry a plant. If there is no standard, then anything is possible.

Socialists, however, refuse the unborn the choice of being born or being murdered. That's the woman's right, as they claim. The unborn child has no choice.

I still receive Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn's weekly email updates. She is trying to give the unborn a choice. Her website link is here. She introduced the bill on Earth Day.

No Borders

John Lennon wrote and sung the song “Imagine.” One line of the song is, “Imagine there are no countries.” Socialists need illegal aliens to pour in, be given the right to vote, and vote socialist. The southern border insecurity is their action plan.

Illegal aliens are not allowed to buy firearms. From Tennessee Senator Blackburn's website, I also see the following: On 4/22/2021 (Earth Day), she also introduced a bill that requires the NICS [National Instant Criminal Background Check system], which is not currently required, to begin notifying immigration authorities if an applicant is in the country illegally. The website article states, “Since November 30, 1998, NICS has issued denials for 36,189 attempted firearm purchases by illegal aliens. Over the 15-month period from January 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021, NICS issued denials for 7,373 attempted purchases by illegal aliens.”

I wonder when landowners along the southern border will form their own organized militia to stop the illegals from pouring across their properties.

Nukes for Iran

Socialists think that Iran will be better if it has full and unrestricted nuclear weapon-building capacity. I found many online articles on the topic. Several USSA senators are trying to stop the first president of the USSA from his foolishness.

My working document has various website links to articles. I will not bore you by listing them here. Let's move on!

Supreme Court and Washington, DC Statehood

Socialists want to add more socialists to the Supreme Court and to make Washington DC a state. Conservative politicians are trying to stop these efforts. Again, I have links and articles in my working document, but I will not bother to include them here. Readers may already know these details.

This is just another serving of their putrid smorgasbord. I am not biting, Biden. I hope he gets the point.


Any socialist knows that a main key to building socialism is to undermine or destroy the family and religion. Socialism becomes the collective. Do you remember the history of the former Soviet Union and Hitler's Germany? I do.

The USSA socialists are in a blitzkrieg to “socialist utopia.” The United Nations (UN) has been doing the same. Here are two (one and another) outstanding links regarding USSA socialists. I do not need to rehash what those fine links have already written. I share them here to forward their words to readers.

Two links regarding the efforts of the United Nations are here and here again. The second link is straight from the UN's mouth.

I hope that the “socialist utopian” vomit session doesn't start until 70 years from now. This first part is written. I now move to writing the second part.

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