
Friday, December 24, 2021

Life, “Such As It Was,” Update: 12/7/2021 to 12/23/2021 (published 12/24/2021)


Merry Christmas Eve, y'all! The weather is cloudy and too warm this afternoon. I'm just “sottin' here” writing.

The Context

Let us reflect deeply on God's eternal plan of redemption. Our all-knowing God always knew his plan. He is eternal and omniscient, among other attributes. God's plan had to unfold in time.

First, God created the temporal universe, including humans made in His image. The biblical account is in Genesis. Faith in this is based on established evidence, which is proven. God knew that sin would enter his creation.

The Old Testament books of the Bible record the next chapter of God's eternal plan of redemption. The chapter unfolded over centuries and includes many historical events.

The inspired Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-7, records the birth of God the eternal Word, who became flesh, the Messiah. Jesus, as God incarnate, lived, taught, performed miracles, was crucified, rose from the dead, and ascended back to heaven. The biblical record is inspired and verified. It is proven faith.

Since the first century AD, the final chapter of God's eternal plan of redemption continues to unfold. The inspired New Testament writers recorded the first several decades of this unfolding final chapter.

Now that I have set the context, I will regale you with life, “such as it was,” from December 7th through 23rd.


Tuesday, 12/7/2021: I wish that I had taken time to write an article that day. It was the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The unfolding tragedy of World War II continued until it finally ended. Honor to the men and women who gave their lives in service to this nation is, hereby, given. I wish that this nation could live in honor of their collective sacrifices.

Wednesday, 12/15/2021: Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had her six-month physical examination with her primary care doctor. My wife is doing well enough to have an annual physical, not on an every six-month basis! Her doctor must like the copay.

Tuesday-Thursday, 12/14-16/2021: On Tuesday, the daughter of my “adoptive sister” turned 48. Her phone number was no longer valid. I tried. The next day, I left my “adoptive sister” a voicemail. My “adoptive sister,” in Charleston, Missouri, has not yet returned my call. I tried. On Thursday, the son of my “adoptive sister” turned 44. His phone number was still valid. I left him a voicemail. He has not yet replied. I tried.

Monday, 12/20/2021: Usually, I work from home on Monday through Wednesday and at the office on Thursdays and Fridays, doing the exact same job. It is the work schedule insanity that I have been enduring since 2/1/2021. Today, as my 2006 Frontier and I were turning from one road to the next, almost home, the supplemental airbag warning light came on. At 5:51 PM, I called the folks at a local Nissan dealership.

On Tuesday, 12/28/2021, when I am off work, on the anniversary of my mother's 12/28/1999 emergency room trip that started her year-long ordeal, my truck has a 2 PM appointment to fix the supplemental airbag sensor. That future experience may be included in another "life, such as it is" article. My mother's year-long physical suffering is included in my unpublished and incomplete book, “Light at the End of the Tunnel.”

Wednesday, 12/22/2021: I had my actual annual, yearly physical examination by my fine primary care doctor, friend, and brother in Christ. I worked from home that day. My appointment was at 8 AM. I flexed my work schedule to not request leave. His office is a five-minute drive from home. Aside from my “bionic whatevers,” which have much improved, I am still “fit as a rutting buck!” If you need a great primary care doctor, and if you live in the Knoxville, Tennessee, area, I highly recommend my doctor, friend, and fellow Christian, Kalpesh D. Parikh, MD! (The link is via

Thursday, 12/23/2021: Yesterday, I decided to play online for a while with Substack. I found and read Substack: News & Views: A better future for news: Why we’re building Substack, by Chris Best and Hamish McKenzie, 7/17/2017.

I started my Substack platform, Appalachian Irishman (since 3/6/2006) - Substack 12/23/2021+. That platform is not formatted as well as this original Appalachian Irishman platform, the domain name that I own. I'm trying to “expand my influence, readership, and profile,” as some writers call it. Who knows? I may find a way to work from home full-time as an editor or writer in time. That is still my hopeful prayer to God. We will see.


By the way, I left a historically very good friend two voicemails today at about 12:25 PM from our landline and at about 1:27 PM from my cell phone. I hope that friend calls back. We haven't spoken by phone or in person in about a decade.

This update on life, such as it was, is placed firmly on this Friday, Christmas Eve, in the context of God's eternal plan of redemption.

Do you understand? I hope so! Otherwise, contact me. I will help in any way that I can!

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