
Sunday, January 30, 2022



I still have a “poly-ticks” article in rough draft. I will publish this article first, as my third article today. “Poly-ticks” can wait a few days!

Irish history and heritage come first! That heritage should be and is, for many of the Fearghail clan, based on biblical morality.

The 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday is Today

The song “Sunday Bloody Sunday” is by U2, the fine Irish group. One of many YouTube links is here. Drink some coffee, or Irish coffee, as you read the rest of this article!

Irish Central is a good source, among others, for Irish heritage, especially for those of us Irish, who miss the old country.

Today marks the 50th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” January 30, 1972. Read the Irish Central article, “What Actually Happened on Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland?” IrishCentral, by Oisin Feeney, 1/29/2022. It will make an Irishman sad, as it did me.

But Wait! The Irish are not Down! Irish Fisherman Defeated the Russian Navy!

Please enjoy the following Irish Central article: “Irish Fishermen Defeat the Russian Navy,” IrishCentral, by Shane O'Brien, 1/30/2022.

Yes, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I lived in Russia from 1994 to 1999. While there, Slava, a fine friend and brother in Christ, who passed away in early 2000, called me his “Russian-American friend.” He used “Russian” before “American,” since he considered me Russian first, then American. We visited Ireland for two weeks in 1998. We enjoyed our time in County Longford.

I'm glad to know that the Irish fishermen stopped the Russian navy -- well, at least this time! The Irish do not back down.

County Longford

Today, Irish Central tells me what I have known for many years! Are you still sipping that coffee, or Irish coffee?

Please enjoy reading “What's your Irish County? County Longford: All the basics - and some fun facts - about County Longford,” IrishCentral, by Jane Walsh, 10/14/2016! The following are a few details from that article:

Nickname: The O'Farrell County, The Slashers

A brief history: Before the Norman invasion in the 12th century, the territory was known as Annaly (Anghaile in Irish), Tethbae or Teffia (Teabhtha in Irish) under the Farrell clan.

The article has much more information. It is worth reading!


The Fearghail clan originated in County Longford, Ireland. My lineage in the clan can be traced back to John Ferrell, Sr. (born 1780). The lineage goes back farther, to County Longford, but my fellow clan members can't yet trace back farther than to John Ferrell, Sr.

Roots are important, especially moral roots, based on godly values. Do you have the proper roots? I hope so. If so, keep up the heritage! Do not back down!



This will be a brief article. My article of Sunday, January 23, 2022, mentioned what we did, on 1/22/2022.

Brownstone Institute 11/30/2021 Article

On 1/22/2022, a good friend sent several of us, on his email mailing list, his comments and a link to The Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research (Austin, Texas) article, “More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory COVID Interventions,” by Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, November 30, 2021.

Dr. Alexander spent a great deal of time, in research and in writing his article. It may take a person almost three hours to read it completely. I haven't yet taken the time to read the article in full, but I do not doubt the scholarship and the evidence that Dr. Alexander cites, in his article.

I will encapsulate, here, his Table 1: “Evidence showing that COVID-19 lockdowns, use of face masks, school closures, and mask mandates were largely ineffective and caused crushing harms.” His Table 1 is detailed, as follows, on the website article:

Lockdowns: links to 170 website articles.

School Closures: links to 84 website articles.

Masks - Ineffectiveness: links to 97 website articles.

Mask Mandates: links to 9 website articles.

Mask Harms: links to 61 website articles.

Dr. Alexander writes, citing 421 total website articles, to support his evidence that lockdowns, school closures, face masks, and face mask mandates have done “crushing harms.” He does not address, in as much detail, the emotional, psychological, moral, and spiritual damage.

The Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research (Austin, Texas) has a List of Senior Scholars and the Founder and President. The institute has a variety of articles on various topics – not just on COVID-19.


The facts, just the facts, are pertinent. This “new cold virus,” as I call it, is a new, manufactured in China, strand of the common cold. Many have died, legitimately, due to the virus – for various reasons, including their age and health. Statistics have reported, illegitimately, folks whose death was blamed on the new cold virus, but whose cause of death involved more immediate factors. Many folks have had the new cold virus, with common cold symptoms, and recovered. I may have had this new cold virus, in February 2020 and again in early December 2021. Some type of cold virus made me feel sickly, a few days, those two times.

I am grateful that my good friend emailed the link that I have cited in this brief article. Don't forget to use those made in China test kits, to see if you have the China virus! The USSA government will even send those made in China test kits to you, for free – once they get around to doing so. Do a search by “USA free COVID-19 test kits made in China.” You will find several articles, as I did today.

This is my 38th article on “Corona Myopia.” I need to stop writing on this topic! The topic needs to be in my rear view mirror!

FEARGHAIL NIECES - STILL BASKETBALL PROUD (published 1-30-2022; article #294)


Howdy, y'all! I hope y'all are doing well enough out there – in your various nations, including the USSA. In the last seven days, my website has been read by folks, as follows: United States (USSA) 201. Turkey 91. Germany 27. France 24. China 7. United Kingdom 5. Indonesia 5. Netherlands 4. Russia 3. Singapore 3. Australia 2. Canada 1. Czechia (Czech Republic) 1. Denmark 1. Hungary 1. Ireland 1. (Come on Ireland! Do better!). Italy 1. Myanmar (Burma) 1. Sweden 1. Other 14 (unknown nations).

My last article on this topic was on Sunday, 12/19/2021: FEARGHAIL NIECES -- BASKETBALL PROUD! (published 12-19-2021). Win or lose, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I are proud of our two nieces (daughters of my youngest brother and his wife). Our nieces, as young ladies now, are growing up, on the solid Rock of godly and Christian values.

The Bulls Gap Middle School Lady Bulldogs' 1/11/2022, Tuesday, Game

Our youngest niece is mentioned, with a photograph, in the Saturday - Sunday, January 15-16, 2022 Weekend Edition, of The Rogersville Review! The article (page 2B) is “Lady Bulldogs Struggle in Loss to Boone[s] Creek,” by Jim Beller, Sports Editor. (I assume the photograph and the caption below the photograph are by Jim Beller.)

The article states that another young lady “and Lilliana Ferrell each scored seven to lead Bulls Gap.”

I wish that the newspaper listed the 2021-22 complete list of games and scores, for all Hawkins County grade school, middle school, and high school teams, but it does not.

Neither the Bulls Gap Middle School website, nor the Cherokee High School website, list ladies basketball games and scores. Newspaper articles give us scores, by games on exact dates, but the newspaper does not list the cumulative games and scores, per team.

WRGS Helped (a while)

The website for my hometown radio station, WRGS, helped a while. On the weekend of 1/8-9/2022, I found, on the WRGS website, the 2021-22 Cherokee Girls Basketball cumulative results! (The WRGS website was down, as of today, 1/30/2022.) The following is what I found three weekends ago. Notice that no dates are listed.

2021-22 Cherokee Girls Basketball Results

1. Cherokee-24, at West Ridge-65

2. Cherokee-65, at Unicoi County-61

3. Cherokee-62, at Hampton-72

4. Cherokee-62, Tennessee High-41 (Hardees Classic at David Crockett)

5. Cherokee-27, David Crockett-53 (Hardees Classic at David Crockett)

6. Cherokee-46, Daniel Boone-49 (Hardees Classic at David Crockett)

7. Cherokee-54, Tennessee High-39

8. Cherokee-38, at Knox Gibbs-37

9. Cherokee-29, Volunteer-48

10. Cherokee-35, at Cocke County-72

11. Cherokee-54, Claiborne-50

12. Cherokee-56, at Hancock County-35

13. Cherokee-41, at Chuckey-Doak-44

14. Cherokee-47, Glenwood, Alabama-36

15. Cherokee-47, Glenwood, Alabama-46

16. Cherokee-11, Volunteer-61

17. Cherokee-37, Hancock County-27

18. Cherokee-40, at Tennessee High-41

19. Cherokee-34, West Greene-36

20. Cherokee-28, at Greeneville-70

21. Cherokee-57, Chuckey-Doak-30

Friday, January 21: Cherokee at Volunteer-6:15 pm

Tuesday, January 25: Cocke County at Cherokee-6:15 pm

Thursday, January 27: Cherokee at West Greene-6:15 pm

Friday, January 28: Cherokee at Claiborne-6:15 pm

Monday, January 31: Grainger at Cherokee-6:15 pm

Tuesday, February 1: Greeneville at Cherokee-6:15 pm

Friday, February 4: Knox Gibbs at Cherokee-6:15 pm

Tuesday, February 8: Cherokee at Grainger-6:15 pm

Thursday, February 17 – Tuesday, February 22

District 2-3A Basketball Tournament at Greeneville-TBA

The eldest daughter of my youngest brother and his wife plays on the Cherokee High School ladies' basketball team. I write to honor her, now, as I have honored her younger sister, in my comments that I made above.


I have enough phone conversation with my youngest brother, to understand how well our two nieces are doing, in their basketball games for this season. Both are going very well, playing with proper spirit and skills, despite winning or losing.

The Fearghail clan is proud of our two Fearghail nieces – not only in basketball, but, more importantly, in how they are becoming fine, Christian ladies! I hope, in time, that their spiritual influence will assist many family, friends, and folks. We, as Christians, all win, in the end!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

FAMILY HONOR: MONA BECKNER'S AGE 100 LIFE CELEBRATION, ON 1-22-2022 (published 1-23-2022; article #293)


I published my second 1/17/2022 article a day before my aunt (aunt-in-law) Mona Beckner attained age 100, which she did the next day: “MONA BECKNER ATTAINS AGE 100, ON 1-18-2022 (published 1-17-2022; article #292).”

This article today will continue the theme, of family honor and heritage. A person should honor those who are older. Do you younger folks understand? I hope so. I'm trying to educate you.

Mona Beckner Honored Twice

(1) On 1/18/2022, Tuesday, Mona Beckner celebrated her 100th birthday, at home. She is the elder sister of Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's father. That day, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had a “snow day” off from work. I worked, at home, for a living. I had set the mailbox flag up, so the postman would get the postal letters that I'd placed there, to pay the 2021 property taxes, both for here and for the homeplace. The weather was cool and cloudy. The snow, from the day before (my first 1/17/2022 article), was melting.

Aunt Mona, her son, her brother, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, “favorite” sister-in-law, the daughter of “favorite” sister-in-law, and I were gathered, at the Beckner homeplace. We, finally, after various delays, had supper together. I had the honor of voicing the prayer, before supper. I told Aunt Mona that I'd never met anyone that was 100 years old, until that day. She enjoyed my humor. The various points of conversation were mostly in honor of Aunt Mona – aside from comments on life's trivialities. Aunt Mona was honored. I wish that someone had taken photographs. I wish that I had. The memories are in our minds – and written here.

(2) On 1/22/2022, Saturday, Mona Beckner was honored, by family, friends, and church folks, at City View Baptist Church. I'll set the context then show the twelve photographs I had taken.


Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had a two-hour “snow” delay, on 1/19/2022, Wednesday, so she had to hit an abbreviated lick that day. On the next two days, Thursday and Friday, the school system, where her sister and she teach, was closed, due to several folks that were sickly – so they had two days of paid work leave. During that Thursday and Friday, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, “favorite” sister-in-law, and “favorite” sister-in-law's daughter, amongst other folks, spend hours, many hours, preparing vittles, preparing displays, and decorating the church fellowship hall (as I call it). I worked at home Tuesday and Wednesday but at the Hadean Realm office on Thursday and Friday, as usual.

On 1/22/2022, Saturday, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman left here, to the church building, about 7:30 AM, to finish the fixin's. Aunt Mona's celebration was from 1 PM to 4 PM. I arrived at 1 PM. I stayed until just after 4 PM. (My “bionic” right foot endured the hard surfaces better than I thought it would. My right foot still paid for all the walking.) Mrs. Appalachian Irishman arrived home about 6:50 PM. Molly, our 'ol puppy, was wondering about her.

Several family and friends, along with a few church folks, arrived, at various times. The hall was mostly full, from time to time. Aunt Mona seemed to enjoy the day very well. That was the main goal – to honor her.

Twelve Photographs


The above photograph is of the City View Baptist Church Building, taken upon my arrival. We were all glad that the cloudy and dreary weather had turned sunny, finally. The weather was crisp and cool – not cold. I'll let y'all know – if it ever gets cold here, in East Tennessee, again.


The above image shows Aunt Mona, talking with the younger sister of my mother-in-law (Phyllis Ann House Gordon, who went home on 4/30/2017)

The next six photographs are of the display tables. The displays honor Aunt Mona's unpublished writings, photographs, poems, and art.



The next two photographs are of the food. (A man needs to eat a bite, as you know.) Mrs. Appalachian Irishman made the two white cakes, on the two cake stands. My Mom (Betty Lou Wood Ferrell, 11/24/1932 to 12/27/2000) made the wedding cake, for our wedding, on 5/16/1986. My Mom helped Mrs. Appalachian Irishman learn how to make decorative cakes.

I wish that our dear friend, who owns KJ Cookies ( and, could have make the decorative cookies, but she had other priorities – at the time. Her husband and she are fine, Christian folks, who are in our prayers, daily.

Don't worry! The fruit was labeled “fruit.” The vegetables were labeled “vegetables.” One fruit tray had cheese in it – not a vegetable! I joked that it was false advertising – on the cheese! We had some fun. I wonder how many folks couldn't figure out what the fruit and vegetables were – without those labels?

I took the final two photographs, just before I had to leave, to go rest my “bionic” foot. They are both of family and church folks, who were gathered around Aunt Mona, talking with her.


Was that twelve photographs? I think that I lost count!


Well, Aunt Mona hasn't lost count of her years. Her mind, eyes, and spirit are still vibrant – as I told her, before I left the gathering yesterday, to return home. She can't get around like she used to do. Her wheelchair and rolling walker help.

The Good Lord expects each generation to honor the generation(s) that came before it. Aunt Mona's son honored his father and still honors his mother. (His father, Aunt Mona's husband, had passed, in early 2001.)

The younger generations need to honor the older generations. Younger generations do not tell older generations what to do. The younger are not the boss. The older are.

May God bless you with good days, Aunt Mona! Your Christian legacy is established. I hope that I can help you publish your unpublished book. I'm still working on my still unpublished book. We all love you, Aunt Mona.

Monday, January 17, 2022

MONA BECKNER ATTAINS AGE 100, ON 1-18-2022 (published 1-17-2022; article #292)


We may not know a person, personally, who attains age 100 very often – if ever. We hear about folks, attaining age 100, on the various media sources. I know a fine Christian lady, who will attain age 100 tomorrow, Lord willing!

My January 18, 2021, article honored this dear lady. That article linked to my January 26, 2020, article, on the same topic.

Aunt Mona Made the TV!

On Friday, January 14, 2022, I was working for a living, at the “Hadean Realm” office – not from home, sadly. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman was working.

WBIR TV (Knoxville, Tennessee) visited Aunt Mona, on 1/14/2022! I wish that we could have been there! The WBIR TV website links are:

“A Century of Stories: Oak Ridge Calutron Girl Turning 100 Years Old,” by Katie Inman, published 5:47 PM EST January 14, 2022; updated 5:47 PM EST January 14, 2022.

“Oak Ridge Calutron Girl Celebrating 100th Birthday,” by, published 4:54 PM EST January 14, 2022; updated 4:54 PM EST January 14, 2022. The caption reads, “Mona Beckner turns 100 on January 18. She's lived a storied life full of love, laughter, and history.”


Tomorrow is Aunt Mona's 100th birthday anniversary. It is also the date that my Uncle Robert Allen Wood (5/14/1939 - 1/18/1941) left this world in his infancy.

Each of us live a few years here. A few of us may attain age 100 or more. Aunt Mona has been ready to go Home, for many years. Uncle Bobby (Robert Allen Wood) is Home. Many other family and friends are either Home now or looking forward to going Home.

This temporal life is not Home. We will all join the great and everlasting reunion at Home – if we are ready. Are you, dear reader, ready? If you would like to converse on this vital topic, please use my “Contact Form” to communicate with me.

I'll stop, to publish this after supper. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman has already said, “Okay, Georgie!”

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY UPDATE (published 1-17-2022; article #291)


At 4:23 PM, as I begin to write, the about an inch of snow makes a good view, from my home office windows. Today, the low was 27F. The high was 32F. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I have been enjoying this mild winter day well enough.

Today, we are both off work, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. My January 18, 2021, article contains:

Sadly, I regret that many of the prominent “leaders,” who claim to follow Dr. King, Jr.'s legacy, are not doing so. Moral character matters. Skin color is not relevant. All lives, each created in God's image, matter, equally. Lives must be lived in honor of the Creator. Lives that are not are wasted. Too many folks, of various nationalities and skin colors, are wasting their lives today.

Shall each creation of God not live up to the standard of our Creator? That is the only way that people can STAND together in unity. I have spoken.

I would not change a word today. The problems in this once great nation, and in the world, are moral – nothing else. Folks must choose, freely, to live in honor of our Creator. If not, this once great nation will continue its fall into Socialist Utopian Oblivion. The rest of the world will continue to follow. This article, however, is not about “poly-tics!” Let's move on!

Snow, Such as It Was

If I'm lucky, you may see my first video recording that I made at 1:04 PM today. I'll try to show it, below, if my website software does its job. Here goes!

If you saw my video, you will notice that I started talking with proper pronunciation. About half way, I switched to my best hillbilly voice! I was just having some fun!


If the video does not upload into this article, then the above photograph will! Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had caught me, after I had made the video (that you may not be able to see). I was busted! By the way, behind the large windows, above the bench, on the porch, is where my home office is located.

Voice Mail Set Up!

My second January 9, 2022, article expressed our “cell phone war,” which we won – with the OUTSTANDING customer service by Aaron! Aaron, if you are reading, I wrote the postal letter to you, which I mentioned, on 1/8/2022. It will go out in the mail tomorrow.

Neither Mrs. Appalachian Irishman nor I could get the voicemail set up, on our new Motorola Edge 5G UW (2021) “smart” phones. We had tried. This morning, I reached, by phone, a Verizon Wireless Technical Support gentleman, in New Mexico. During our one and a half hour conversation, the gentleman fixed our voicemail problem, for both phones! Several minutes of our conversation were not about the technical stuff. I shared my “bionic” life (from 3/29/2016 to today, so far), in the context of Russia (1994 to 1999), House Mountain hiking, and my unpublished book (“Light at the End of the Tunnel”) stories. I hope that my words inspired this gentleman, in New Mexico. He seemed to appreciate the details that I shared with him.


Yesterday, I called a very dear friend. Her husband and she are enduring an ongoing series of difficulties. The prayers of Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I continue, daily, to be for their blessing. We have the will but not the power. God has the power. I hope, for our friends' sake, that God has the will to help them. He will. I believe and know. It may take more time that we would prefer.

We must not be snowed over by the trials of life. My redaction of the apostle Paul's words, in his inspired letter to the Philippians (chapter 4, verse 6) are “don't worry about anything; pray about everything!”

Y'all, who know the Good Lord as Savior, keep praying out there. Mention our two friends, as an unspoken prayer request. Thank you!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

MY DAWGS WON THE 2021 COLLEGE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP, 1/10/2022, MONDAY! (published 1-16-22; article #290)


At 3:40 PM, as I begin to finish this article, the snow, in large flakes, is falling thickly. At 36F, the snow was melting as it hit the ground. It may begin to stick later, as the temperature falls. Those highway folks must have enjoyed wasting the salt and brine that they had been using, to pour on the roads, since last Thursday. The rain last night and early this morning washed all the salt and brine off the roads, before the snow started this afternoon. It's just funny, folks! Don't forget to rush to the store for milk and bread, before we are all buried in this “blizzard!”

Conversations usually start on the weather then shift to other topics. How about my Georgia DAWGS!

The Crow I Ate

I concluded my 12/31/2021 article by stating:

The second semi-final game (No. 3 Georgia vs. No. 2 Michigan) starts about 7:30 PM this evening. I expect Georgia to lose, so they don't have to lose to Alabama, again, in the 2021 Championship game (Monday, January 10, 2022). Georgia let Alabama beat them, on 12/4/2021, Saturday, in the SEC Championship game. Yes, I am still not over that loss!


12/31/2021 was the Orange Bowl (one of 39 2021 bowl games played actually, which is way too many). MY DAWGS beat Michigan, 34 to 11. That was a great game! I watched it all!

Unfortunately, earlier on 12/31/2021, Alabama (#1) had beaten Cincinnati (#4), 27 to 6, in the Cotton Bowl. On New Year's Day, I began to dread the national championship game, on January 10, 2022, between Georgia and Alabama. (On 12/4/2021, my DAWGS let the dreaded Tide beat them, in the SEC Championship game.) I needed more faith! I ate crow, gladly, on 1/10/2022!

Georgia Bulldogs - 2021 National Champions!


Bulldogs Capture National Title With 33-18 Win Over Alabama, January 10, 2022.” If you click the link, you will see all the amazing details that I know! (Photograph by Tony Walsh.)

That was Georgia's first national title, since 1980 (when I, as a young man, didn't care for Georgia). The game was at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Here are the statistics, from the website, if you click the link (above).

              1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final

Georgia    0   6    7    20   33

Alabama   3   6    0      9   18

Team Statistics

Game Stats      UGA   UA

Total Yards        364    399

Pass Yards        224    369

Rushing Yards  140    30

Penalty Yards   10-70  7-57

1st Downs         20      22

3rd Downs        4-12   9-20

4th Downs        0-0     0-1

TOP                 28:29 31:31

I watched the game, on 1/10/2022, Monday, until about 10 PM – since I work for a living. (These championship games should be played on Saturday!) At 10 PM, the score was Alabama 9, Georgia 6. I awakened, to hit a lick at work (from home) the next morning, to be pleasantly surprised!

I WILL buy the DVD that shows the entire game! My DAWGS came alive in the third quarter! They became “super DAWGS” in the fourth quarter. My DAWGS beat the “Darth Vader Tide” by 15 points. (That's a stomp, plus one point. A stomp is a win by 14 points.)



The Gospel of Mark, chapter 9, verse 24, states, in NKJV, “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, 'Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!'" Read the context, to find the more profound concept.

I should have had more faith in my DAWGS, on 12/31/2021. I will not make that mistake again! GO DAWGS! I have faith in you!

DEAR LORD, I have ultimate faith in you! Do you, my reader, understand? I hope so! If not, contact me, on my Contact Form!

Sunday, January 09, 2022

WINNING THE CELL PHONE WAR! (published 1-9-2022; article #289)


This second article will be brief. It was gettin' close to supper time when I started writing! Y'all hungry? I had been getting hungry!

This article is about the cell phone war that two stubborn Irishmen are winning, as of yesterday and today. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman is “enjoying” the “fun” also. Just ask her!

Straight Talk Is Losing

My earlier article today touched on the problems that my ol' Samsung, not semi-intelligent, phone was having. I love that phone! That phone has taken many great photographs on House Mountain, over the last decade or so.

I despise Straight Talk! Do not use them. It used to be a very good company, but not now. My last article has some details.

Yesterday, Saturday, 1/8/2022, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I visited a local Verizon Cellular Sales store in a brick-and-mortar location, about a ten-minute drive from here. After three hours, my new, young, Irish-American friend and I began to foil Straight Talk's efforts to forestall the transfer of our cell phone service from them to Verizon Wireless.

Why my ol' Samsung phone screen started working, while at the Verizon Wireless location, is beyond anyone's understanding. I still have a screen showing on my ol' Samsung phone today. The phone still works fine. Straight Talk, however, does not work fine!

I have a very detailed record of the fight that my new Irish-American friend and I are winning! Mrs. Appalachian Irishman endures the literal headache well enough.

Verizon Wireless Is Winning

The image above is from the North Broadway Verizon Cellular Sales store website. I plan to write online outstanding reviews for my new Irish-American friend. I plan to send him, in a day or so, a highly complimentary postal letter, which he may use in any manner he chooses for his benefit. His customer service was and is outstanding.

This Sunday afternoon, while this young Irish-American was technically off work, he finished the account transfer from Straight Talk to Verizon Wireless. The fight is on to keep our same two cell phone numbers. I know and have been documenting all the details.

Thank you, Aaron, my young, Irish-American friend, for your outstanding service yesterday and today! We will win completely tomorrow, as Irishmen do. I hope that we either hike House Mountain together or meet each other on our hikes one of these days!


I would write more details and accolades for Aaron and Verizon Wireless, but it's almost supper time. I heard Mrs. Appalachian Irishman working on vittles in the kitchen. At 6 PM, she said, “Okay, Georgie.” Supper was ready. I'll publish both articles after supper!

By the way, why do McAfee spam emails keep trying to get me to “renew” McAfee, which I don't have? I may need to call their legitimate number that I can find.

On 3/9/2006, I wrote, “Give Me a Horse and a Dirt Road!” Yesterday, at the Verizon store, I thought about that article. I reread it today. I had been having a lot of “fun” on 3/9/2006.

I understand, all too well, modern technology. I wish that I didn't have to do so. My ol' Samsung cell phone has retired, effective today. My new Motorola Edge 5G UW (2021) “smart” phone takes over today. The fight, to keep the same phone numbers on both our new phones, will be won tomorrow. I had said many times that I would never buy a “semi-intelligent” phone. I had to do so, due to the technology.

Give me a horse and a dirt road any day! Let's eat supper, then publish these articles, y'all! If you are right, do not give up the fight!

ONE WEEK OF WINTER (published 1-9-2022; article #288)


Are y'all here, in east Tennessee, enjoying this rainy Sunday? I didn't think so.

Folks in this country used to ask me if we had summer in Russia, when we were missionaries there (1994 to 1999). My reply had always been, “Yes, we have summer in Russia. Sometimes, it falls on a weekend!”

We have winter in east Tennessee. Sometimes, it lasts a few days or even a week!

Snow on Monday, 1/3/2022

I used Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's not semi-intelligent cell phone to take the above image from our deck at 8:56 AM on Monday, 1/3/2022. About an inch or so of snow had fallen during the night. The Sunday rain had turned to snow. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman was still on her two-week Christmas break. I had a day off for New Year's Day. The low was about 30F. The high was about 41F.

Unfortunately, I spent the day on the landline phone, fighting with the (now former) provider for our two not semi-intelligent cell phones. I have detailed records of my phone call efforts with our former provider.

Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's cell phone still worked fine. My ol' Samsung cell phone could still make or receive phone calls. I could not see the numbers. My phone could still get texts, which I could not see. The screen had been white as new fallen snow since 12/30/2021.

As further aggravation, since 12/30/2021, I have not been able to use our home desktop computer to log in to our account on the Straight Talk website, as I have done for about a decade. That (now former) provider had been automatically charging one of our credit cards on a monthly basis. (We pay off that card in full every month.) Strangely, I could use Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's Chrome laptop computer to log in to the website.

I, however, have started to digress into my next article that I will publish today. The little snow on Monday, 1/3/2022, was the first taste of winter this season. I wish that I could have been out in it more than I was.

 Snow on Thursday, 1/6/2022

On Friday, 1/7/2022, at 7:58 AM, as the sun was coming over the ridge east of us, I used Mrs. Appalachian Irishman's (now old) LG flip cell phone to take the above snow photograph from the deck. (I wish that the door post shadow was not in the image.) The snow had started to fall about 12:20 PM on 1/6/2022. We had less than an inch of snow.

Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had to start “hitting a lick” at work on 1/6/2022. Her two-week Christmas break had ended. Her sister and she commuted to and from their teaching location, about 35 miles or so from here. They worked about a half day, due to the snow.

The snow enabled me to work from home on that Epiphany Thursday and the next day! Otherwise, my usual work pattern remains, since 2/1/2021: work at home Monday through Wednesday but at the office Thursday and Friday. It's insanity, of course. The office does not need “coverage,” whatever that is. I can do the exact same job at home. I, however, have digressed. Y'all, help me find a new job if you can! I will retire from my current “govrmint” job, to do something, anything, else – working from home full-time!

By the way, y'all remember 1/6/2021, don't you? That was a “day that will live in infamy,” as the end of the USA and the beginning of the USSA Socialist Utopia! The events of 1/6/2021 compare to the 12/7/1941 attack on Pearl Harbor and the attacks on 9/11/2001, according to some socialists. Thursday, 1/6/2022, was also Epiphany, or old Christmas, or Christmas Day (Eastern Orthodox Church and Russian Orthodox Church). You can do the research, as I know you can! By the way, January 6th of (year not given) was the birthday of the sister of my lifelong friend. I sent her an online birthday greeting.


At 5:19 PM, as I typed this sentence, I was listening to Fleetwood Mac's song, “Gypsy,” on my new Motorola Edge 5G UW (2021) so-called “smart” phone.

I need to get the next article written. Y'all take care out there! Don't let Corona Myopia Psychosis or USSA Socialist Utopia get you down! “Gypsy,” by Fleetwood Mac, is still a great classic rock song!