At 4:23 PM, as I begin to write, the about an inch of snow makes a good view from my home office windows. Today, the low was 27 degrees Fahrenheit. The high was 32 degrees. Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I have been enjoying this mild winter day.
Today, we are both off work for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. My January 18, 2021, article states:
Sadly, I regret that many of the prominent “leaders,” who claim to follow Dr. King, Jr.'s legacy, are not doing so. Moral character matters. Skin color is not relevant. All lives, each created in God's image, matter equally. Lives must be lived in honor of the Creator. Lives that are not are wasted. Too many folks of various nationalities and skin colors are wasting their lives today.
Shall each creation of God not live up to the standard of our Creator? That is the only way that people can stand together in unity. I have spoken.
I would not change a word today. The problems in this once-great nation and in the world are moral, nothing else. Folks must freely choose to live in honor of our Creator. If not, this once-great nation will continue its fall into socialist utopian oblivion. The rest of the world will follow. This article, however, is not about “poly-ticks!” Let's move on!
Snow, Such as It Was
If I'm lucky, you may see my first video recording that I made at 1:04 PM today. I'll try to show it below if this website does its job. Here goes!
If you saw the video, you may have noticed that I started talking with proper pronunciation. About halfway, I switched to my best hillbilly voice! I was just having some fun!
If the video does not upload into this article, the above photograph will! Mrs. Appalachian Irishman had caught me, after I had recorded the video. I was busted! By the way, behind the large windows and above the bench on the porch is where my home office is located.
Voice Mail Set Up!
My second January 9, 2022, article was about our “cell phone war,” which we won with the outstanding customer service by Aaron! Aaron, if you are reading, I wrote the postal letter to you, which I mentioned on 1/8/2022. It will go out in the mail tomorrow.
Neither Mrs. Appalachian Irishman nor I could get the voicemail set up on our new Motorola Edge 5G UW (2021) “smart” phones. We tried. This morning, I reached by phone a Verizon Wireless technical support gentleman in New Mexico. During our one-and-a-half-hour conversation, the gentleman fixed the voicemail problem on both phones! Several minutes of our conversation were not about the technical stuff. I shared my “bionic” life, from 3/29/2016 to today, so far, in the context of stories about Russia (1994 to 1999), House Mountain hiking, and my unpublished book, “Light at the End of the Tunnel.” I hope that my words inspired this gentleman in New Mexico. He seemed to appreciate the details that I shared with him.
Yesterday, I called a very dear friend. Her husband and she are enduring an ongoing series of difficulties. The prayers from Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and me continue daily for their blessing. We have the will, but not the power. God has the power. I hope for our friends' sake that God has the will to help them. He will. I believe and know. It may take more time than we would prefer.
We must not be snowed in by the trials of life. My redaction of the apostle Paul's words in his inspired letter to the Philippians (chapter 4, verse 6) is, “Don't worry about anything; pray about everything!”
Y'all, who know the Good Lord as Savior, keep praying out there. Mention our two friends as an unspoken prayer request. Thank you!
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