
Saturday, April 30, 2022



Shanna Ferrell is our niece – the youngest daughter of my brother, who is about three years younger than me. We have known that Shanna was finishing her Bachelor of Science degree.

On 3/23/2022, we received her postal invitation, to attend her graduation today (4/30/2022). Shanna had called us, on 4/16/2022, to ensure that we had received her invitation. Shanna granted permission to me, to mention her by full name. Here you are, up in lights, Shanna!

Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I, along with my youngest brother and his family, had hoped that we could attend in person. Various life factors forestalled that plan. We, however, were there in spirit! We were there “virtually” also!

Milligan University is about an hour and forty-five minute drive, one way, from our home (about 113 miles). The graduation ceremony was at 2 PM today.

Milligan University History

The Milligan University “about” section of their website indicates the history of the university.

I enjoyed reading that section. I had already known several of the details.

The university is named after Robert Milligan (7/25/1814 - 3/20/1875). He left this world at age 60. I am age 61 now. I have known about Robert Milligan, since the early 1980's. He was instrumental (pardon the pun, for those who understand) in the Restoration Movement.

Robert Milligan

The History of the Restoration Movement contains volumes of historical information. Their section on Robert Milligan includes his life history.

Robert Milligan wrote several books. Decades ago, when I was a “preacher boy,” in my college study days, I read most of his books. I still have, at least, in my library, his “Scheme of Redemption” and “Reason and Revelation.” All his books are available, on various websites, for purchase or reading.

Shanna's Graduation Day!

Within the context of the history that I have mentioned, Milligan University graduation day was today – for Shanna Ferrell and other graduates.

Milligan University lists the Commencement details and Commencement schedule on their website. Since life forestalled our hope to have been present in person, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I watched Shanna Ferrell, and others, graduate, by the virtual portal!

The entire ceremony was one hour and thirty-three minutes. We heard Shanna Ferrell's name called, watched her cross the stage, obtain her Bachelor of Science diploma, and walk – proudly and smiling – off the stage! Yes, family were present physically. We could hear family, and probably many friends also, clapping loudly! We clapped and hollered at home. I hope that our neighbors did not hear us!


Shanna Ferrell, your aunt and uncle are proud of you! Many friends and family are proud of you. My mind sees your Mamaw Ferrell (Betty Wood Ferrell, 11/24/1932 - 12/27-2000) smiling down on you, proudly, from heaven.

The family heritage is based on biblical, Christian values. Shanna Ferrell, keep up that tradition – for the generation that will follow you. We have faith that you will. God's blessings to you and your family! We love you!

By the way, Shanna, please give us some photographs! We will trade your photographs for the graduation present that we will give you! It will be a fair trade! We can't do that, until we all get together in person though! When will that be? We will work on the plans!

Friday, April 15, 2022

GOOD FRIDAY in CONTEXT of MONA BECKNER'S FUNERAL & GRAVESIDE (published 4-15-2022; article #314)


Today, Friday, 4/15/2022, Passover begins at sundown. It is also Good Friday. The dates match in some years.

The context is Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus. In reply to Martha, “Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?'" (John 11:25,26 ESV)

4/13/2022, Wednesday

Papaw Marion Ferrell (4/13/1880 - 11/21/1970) was born, on this date, in 1880. He lived to age 90.

The visitation and funeral for Aunt Mona Beckner was on 4/13/2022. Visitation was 5 to 7 PM. The funeral was at 7 PM. My wife's Aunt Mona lived to age 100. Family and friends, who attended, remembered the tribute and honor to Aunt Mona. Sad and joyful moments abounded.

Rose Mortuary has a video tribute and a photo tribute, for Aunt Mona.

4/14/2022, Thursday

The graveside service for Aunt Mona was at 1 PM yesterday. The clouds and cool wind became sunny and warm. Family and friends, who gathered, said our farewell – until we meet again.

We stayed for a long while, after the ceremony. Family gathered at the Beckner home, where the devoted son, Mike, lives alone now. There is sorrow. There is joy.


Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He asked Martha if she believed him. I am sure that Martha did. Aunt Mona Beckner did. She enjoys the heavenly bliss of many, who have gone on before her.

Do you believe? Resurrection Day is coming! Temporal “life, such as it is,” events – some good and some not so good – will be placed in the context of everlasting life – eventually.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15:57-58 KJV)

Sunday, April 10, 2022

MONA BECKNER, AT AGE 100, HAS GONE HOME (published 4-10-2022; article #313)


Today is Palm Sunday, 4/10/2022. My mother-in-law, Phyllis Ann (House) Gordon, was born on 4/10/1941. She passed on 4/30/2017 – a year and a day after I almost died (3/29/2016).

Good Friday is coming. Resurrection Sunday is next Sunday.

That sets the context for this brief article of tribute. At least the sun is shining today – unlike yesterday's wind, rain mixed with snow, and clouds.

Mona Beckner Went Home, on Friday, 4/8/2022

The details are known to family. My wife was on spring break vacation last week. Her aunt Mona Beckner started to have trouble, on 4/4/2022. She was hospitalized that day. My wife sat the first shift at the hospital. Her cousin, aunt Mona's son, sat that shift also. Other family sat the second and third shifts.

Early in the morning, just after midnight, on Friday, 4/8/22, aunt Mona Beckner went Home. Her son and my wife arrived moments after aunt Mona had passed. One of my sister-in-laws was with aunt Mona, when she went Home.

Mona Beckner's Age 100 Tributes

My 1/17/2022 and 1/23/2022 articles mentioned the occasions of honor, to Mona Beckner, on the attainment of age 100. Her life as a faithful child of God was her main honor.

WBIR TV updated their 1/14/2022 video article, about aunt Mona, last evening: “One of the last living 'Calutron Girls,' who helped make history in East Tennessee, has passed away” – author; published 10:17 PM EDT April 9, 2022; updated 10:17 PM EDT April 9, 2022.

Mona Beckner's Poems

From age 80, aunt Mona was a writer. She wrote over 200 poems. The following is what she called her final poem, which she wrote at age 96.

Aunt Mona, at age 84, wrote the following poem, about my wife.


I apologize if the images are not clear enough. As a writer, I write to get thoughts out of my mind – to some degree. I write for that reason today. The main thought is that the family that remains are enduring the trial of the passing of aunt Mona Beckner.

Mona Beckner has gone Home. The sun is shining, on this Palm Sunday. Remember, Good Friday is coming this week. Resurrection Sunday is coming. The Son of God shines on Mona Beckner now. Her everlasting joy fortifies her family, who are still here.

Dear Lord, please comfort the family of Mona Beckner – especially her son, who cared for her daily, at their home. We long for your return, Lord! Will you come soon? We who are ready look forward to going Home also.

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Ketanji Brown Jackson Can't Define “Woman!” (published 4-9-2022; article #312)


Today, Saturday, the weather has been “wonderful.” We “enjoyed” wind, clouds, rain, snow, sunshine, and more clouds and rain. At 3:39 PM, as I am typing, the sun is out again. I wonder when the next batch of wind, clouds, and rain will come. Today would be “great” hiking weather for no one.

I have several articles to write this weekend. The Fearghail and Gordon households have endured enough temporal difficulties, since my most recent article from 3/26/2022. I will write about them, along with another article regarding SSG. Ryan Knauss. See the 3/20/2022 article.

I started this rough draft on Friday, 2/25/2022. I might as well finish and publish it. The demise of the Ununited Socialist States of America (USSA) into the socialist Hadean realm is continuing.

What is a Woman?

A woman is a person who has an innie. God created male and female. A man has an outie. There are no other choices. That elementary fact should be obvious to anyone with any common sense.

Ketanji Brown Jackson, who doesn't know if she is a woman, man, or something else, is the newest member of the USSA Supreme Court. It is a sad reality. This once-great nation continues to spiral into what I call Socialist Utopian Oblivion.

I will avoid further commentary. The obvious insanity is known to anyone who has some common sense. Various media sources have made hay with this for a while. I will cite a few.

(a) The folks at BALLOTPEDIA have an interesting context. See their undated and unaccredited article “Ketanji Brown Jackson.”

(b) To replace the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, “On February 25, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the 116th Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.” Source: Importantly, please note that Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Ketanji Jackson has been one of sixteen judges on the United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. Source:

Her biography is listed on that website:

(c) The Federalist article from 3/23/2022, by Elle Reynolds, “If Ketanji Brown Jackson Doesn’t Know What a ‘Woman’ Is, Why Does She Use the Word So Much?” makes a little humorous hay with the point that Ketanji Jackson has no idea what a woman is, despite her ability to use the word often.

(d) Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn ( emailed her “The Blackburn Report” to several, including me, today at 2:08 PM. Have you heard her question to Ketanji Jackson on the definition of a woman? It has made various news media rounds. Senator Blackburn's email linked to two Clarksville Online articles. See the 3/29/2022 article, by “news staff,” titled “With Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Nomination, Democrats Put Politics Above Constitutional Principles.” See also the 4/7/2022 article, by “news staff,” titled “The Left is Waging War on the American People.”

I suggest that Ketanji Brown Jackson determine the definition of a woman. She may want to check to see if she has an innie or an outie in the privacy of her own bathroom.


At 6:42 PM, as I wind down this little article, I took a break from writing to call my brother, who turned 59 today. Afterward, I called my youngest brother, 13 years my younger. The Fearghail clan is enduring life's temporal realities well enough.

At least I have this article out of my system finally! Tomorrow, I hope to publish several more articles. Two will be profoundly important. Right now, I'm still waiting on Mrs. Appalachian Irishman to come home with my supper! I'm hungry! It's almost an hour past supper time! Wait! She just came home with my supper! I'll publish this after I eat!