This is the third article today. The next and final article will be about Mother's Day on Victory in Europe Day. The Ununited Socialist States of America (USSA) still celebrates Mother's Day, or “birthing person” day, as some godless socialists incorrectly call it. The USSA does give Victory in Europe (VE) Day a passing glance annually.
In the Good Friday, April 15, 2022, article, I wrote regarding Thursday, 4/14/2022, “The graveside service for Aunt Mona was at 1 PM.” My wife's first cousin on her mother's side attended the graveside service.
My wife's male first cousin has a mind for intellectual discussion and debate in an aggravating manner. He does not lack self-confidence. In fact, he thinks himself to be a man of profound brilliance, smarter than anyone else nearby. Over the decades, I have enjoyed several occasions, in which I have taken him down a few notches intellectually. It is not bragging. It's just facts.
Graveside Debate on 4/14/2022
After the graveside service for Aunt Mona, this man, a few years my elder, struck up a conversation with me. Appropriately, the conversation started by honoring Mona Beckner. As I suspected, however, he switched gears into a conversation on morality, politics, and theology. Of course, I was prepared (1 Peter 3:15) to engage him in this inappropriate graveside debate. He started it. I stood my ground.
The recent news about the leaked USSA Supreme Court document that could overturn Roe v. Wade had not yet been known. The man started conversing about the state of morality in this once-great nation. We seemed to agree that folks need to return to biblically-based morality, originated in God, the divine and supreme lawgiver.
The man stated that to murder unborn children, euphemistically called abortion, is wrong. We agreed. He stated, however, that those affirming the “right to life” do not help mothers, carrying unborn children in their wombs. I disagreed and cited several known groups that affirm life and provide services to pregnant women. The man seemed stunned.
Of course, the man starts a debate on a topic of close agreement. He then builds to topics of disagreement in his effort to “educate” those, whom he considers to be not as “educated” as he. I knew the pattern.
By the way, the legalized murder of unborn children is an evil that has been in this once-great nation since 1973. I hope that it is about to end.
The next debate topic, as the man continued to build to his main debate, was on politics, especially on socialism. He was surprised that I knew that the federal government is socialist in many ways. The man asserted without proof that socialism is a utopia for the people.
I cited the five years that Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I lived in Russia (10/1/1994 to 9/30/1999). I used my coined phrase, “socialist utopian oblivion,” to his amazement. The man seems to be ready for that socialist oblivion. I am not. We did not agree.
That topic brought us to his main point of debate, theology, specifically incarnations. I kept trying to turn the conversation with this man toward spiritual matters for his everlasting benefit. The previous discussions on morality and politics were sidetracks. I don't know if this man is ready everlastingly. I doubt that he is.
The man asserted without proof, of course, that the incarnation of God the Word, who became the God-man, Jesus the Christ, was the final incarnation of God. He argued that god had incarnated himself in many forms, such as Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Viṣṇu, and so forth. The man attempted, as usual, to overwhelm me with his self-declared knowledge on the topic.
I stood my defensive ground (1 Peter 3:15). I enabled the man to understand that I have studied world religions. I have known for decades what he thought that he was teaching me. Several incarnation myths predate the fact of the Incarnate Word. At one point in the man's continued and unverified affirmative, I retorted, “Cite your sources!” His claims were not and cannot be substantiated. I know. The man didn't ask me to cite my sources. I, however, will do so in the next section.
“Cite Your Sources!”
In this section, I cite my sources. You may check them out as you wish.
On incarnation, the article “Incarnation” (by John Haught, updated 6/8/2018) defines “incarnation,” explains its usage, and provides information about alleged incarnations in world religions. The article is informative only. It does not argue for or against any world religion.
On world religions, the online learning platform, Course Hero, has a “World Religions” course that has very good information that I have known for decades. The course lists and explains world religions without arguing one over the other. The course is informative only.
Of worthy note to a Christian apologist, Answers in Genesis has a “World Religions” topic section that references several articles on world religions. Starting there, one may dig a little deeper as needed. The articles affirm validly and soundly the proof that God, the eternal Word, became Christ as the only true incarnation.
From Apologetics Press, I read again the following articles, which I read years ago:
“Jesus Christ–Unique Savior or Average Fraud? [Part I],” by Kyle Butt, M.Div., AP Staff, Reason & Revelation, Deity of Christ, Divine Life and Doctrine, from issue R&R Volume 21 #2, 2/1/2001. The article lists several incarnation myths with references. Each alleged incarnation is debunked as myth.
“Jesus Christ–Unique Savior or Average Fraud? [Part II],” by Kyle Butt, M.Div., AP Staff, Reason & Revelation, Deity of Christ, Divine Life and Doctrine, from issue R&R Volume 21 #3, 3/1/2001. The article proves that God, the Incarnate Word, who became flesh as Jesus the Christ, is fact. It is the factual basis for true faith.
“Why Christianity? Why the Bible?” by Kippy Myers, Ph.D., Reason & Revelation, Doctrinal Matters, Faith and Reason, 1/31/1994. The article compares world religions, establishes the credibility of the biblical record, and affirms Judeo-Christianity as the only true religion. There is only one way.
During our graveside debate, my wife's first cousin on her mother's side affirmed proudly that he has read The Koran. He was surprised when I told him that I have had a copy of The Koran for decades. I have read much of it, until tiring from its repetition and obvious copying from Old Testament books in the Bible. He also knows that I have had a copy of the Bhagavad-gītā, since my first short-term mission trip to India in 1989. I have read some of it. It reads as an unproven myth. By God's grace, I led several Muslims and many Hindus to Christ. Once again, I was trying to convert my wife's cousin to Christ. Once again, at least, I planted seed.
At the conclusion of the Good Friday, April 15, 2022, article, I wrote:
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He asked Martha if she believed him. I am sure that Martha did. Aunt Mona Beckner did. She enjoys the heavenly bliss of many, who have gone on before her.
Do you believe? Resurrection Day is coming!
At the conclusion of the inappropriate graveside debate on 4/14/2022, I looked my wife's first cousin in the eyes, shook his hand, called him by his first name, and said, “Keep turning right and going straight!” It was my effort to encourage him to salvation in Christ. He looked down at his shoes as he shook my hand. He said nothing. He would not look me in the eye. I walked back to our truck, where Mrs. Appalachian Irishman was waiting.
Do you believe, cousin-in-law? Resurrection Day is coming! It is not blind faith. It is faith based on verified facts. I will still try to lead you to saving faith in Christ, if you will listen.
1 comment:
5/17/2022 ADDENDUM: while enjoying my second day of State of Tennessee retirement, I found Ileana Johnson (Washington DC - Baltimore area; best selling author, columnist, and radio commentator). Her website is Her LinkedIn is Her website contains many excellently written and scholarly articles against socialism.
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