I published only three articles in 2016. They are as follows:
I’M STILL ALIVE – WHY? (published 8/26/2016), which has 352 total views and two comments as of today. The article includes remarks about the accident on 3/29/2016 that almost killed me.
PEARL HARBOR at HOMEPLACE (published 12-8-2016), which has 192 total views as of today, with no comments. The article is about my first visit to the homeplace after 3/29/2016.
HOUSE MOUNTAIN, #137 (published 12/22/2016; updated 10/3/2022), which has 191 total views as of today without comments. The article marks my first “bionic” hike on House Mountain, at least on the loop trails.
Today, I was reminded of my Saturday, 1/23/2016, hike on “my mountain.” This article is the publication, seven years delayed, about that hike. Seven years late is better than nothing. First, however, I'll talk about my hiking records on House Mountain in 2016.
2016 House Mountain Hiking Records
From my hiking records and memory, I hiked House Mountain eight times in 2016. The dates were as follows: In January on the 3rd, 18th, and 23rd. In February, I hiked once on the 7th. Hikes in March were on the 16th, 20th, and 26th. After my “sabbatical,” I hiked on December 22nd.
I took nineteen photographs, which I have saved. Three were on 1/18/2016, which was also the day that Uncle Bobby died in infancy in 1941 and when my wife's aunt Mona celebrated her 94th birthday. I took eight on 1/23/2016, which are included in this article. I have one from 2/7/2016, one from 3/20/2016, and one from 3/26/2016. I took five photographs on 12/22/2016, which are in the article from that date.
In 2016, Molly, our doggy, went with me on four hikes: on January 3rd, February 7th, and March 6th and 20th. That was Molly's third through sixth hike with me. My next-to-youngest brother also hiked with Molly and me on 3/20/2016. That was his first and only hike so far. Two now-former coworkers hiked with me on 3/26/2016. I hiked alone on January 18th and 23rd and, after my “sabbatical,” on December 22nd.
House Mountain Hike #132 on 1/23/2016
I recorded, in my hiking records, that I had hiked up the west trail in 35 minutes, delayed by the need to hike carefully in the snow and to take two photographs. I had then hiked across the ridgeline and down the east trail to come out.
The temperature, on that cloudy day, was about 25 degrees Fahrenheit, with a crisp wind. About 1.5 inches of snow were on the ridge. I saw rabbit, fox, dog, and bobcat tracks. Enjoy the following eight photographs with my comments!

I took the photograph above at 3:15 PM. I was nearing the west bluff, hiking up. The image looks north and up toward the ridgeline.
The above photograph, taken at 3:16 PM, was near where I had been a minute earlier. The view still looks north and up toward the ridgeline. I wanted to photograph the icicles!
After removing my outer layer, hiking cap, and canteen, I took the photograph above at 3:27 PM. The exertion on the hike up had warmed me too much. I kept my T-shirt and sweatshirt on to let the crisp air cool and dry out the sweat. The image is on the west bluff, looking east toward the ridgeline.
A minute later, at 3:28 PM, I took the above photograph from the same west bluff. The image looks down and southwest toward Knoxville.
In this 3:45 PM photograph, I was heading east on the ridge trail. Several years before, a Boy Scout had built and placed the bench at the location. The marker on the bench denotes by whom and on what date the bench had been placed there. Those are my footprints.
At 4:35 PM, I took the above photograph at the upper-middle bluff, after having hiked the ridgeline farther eastward to arrive there. The image looks northwest, as the sun was close to setting. The west bluff is visible in the upper left of the image. The human tracks are mine, since no one else hiked that day. I also saw animal tracks. I never did see other human footprints, except mine.
A minute later, at 4:36 PM, I photographed the view from the bluff, looking northeast. Again, the human tracks are mine. I also saw animal tracks here.
It took me just under an hour to hike the short distance west on the ridgeline and then down on the east trail. At 5:24 PM, I took the above photograph of my 1995 Nissan pickup, which was awaiting my return. Only one other set of vehicle tracks was visible after my hike. No other vehicle tracks were present before my truck and I had arrived. I never saw another hiker. Sadly, my 1995 Nissan pickup died, saving my life, on 3/29/2016.
This article, about my 132nd hike on House Mountain on 1/23/2016, is finally published today. Seven years was a long time ago. My article from 4/25/2021 was about my 178th House Mountain hike on 4/18/2021. That article included my tribute to a classmate and friend, who passed away at age 61.
I have taken a long hiking sabbatical since 4/18/2021. My “bionic” left shoulder, right knee, and right foot have each improved. My right knee and foot, in particular, could still take the pounding, even easier now.
Lord willing, I anticipate that the urge to hike, which sparks in me at times, will ignite fully. Other interests, such as the 177 articles that I have published on this website from 4/28/2021 to yesterday, 1/23/2023, have been my greater interest. Still yet, today would have been a good day for a hike!
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