Greetings on this cloudy and springlike Sunday, dear reader. I am close to finishing my sixth article in the Christian Evidences topic series. Weeks of occasional research, to filter and select volumes of information into a relatively brief article, have been taking more time than I had thought. Of course, the writing of 14 articles since 12/9/2022 has occupied time. I want my succinct words in that forthcoming sixth article in the Christian Evidences series to live after I'm enjoying the everlasting realm.
This article, however, is a sidetrack into the Worldviews in Conflict topic section. It is my ninth article in that section.
This article will mention the reaction from “Knox Pride” to a recent Tennessee bill, which, as of this date, awaits the Governor's signature to become law. God's Pride overrules “Knox Pride,” as the conclusion will state.
The Tennessee House and Senate Bills
The specific location on the Tennessee General Assembly website is the 113th General Assembly, 2023-2024, HB0001/SB0001. Clicking the “Summary” and “Votes” buttons will show the details therein. The “Summary” states in part that the bill:
… establishes prohibitions related to the performance on minors of certain medical procedures related to gender identity, creates private causes of action for violations, and establishes additional penalties for violations.
That website confirms in the House that all 75 Republicans and seven Democrats voted in favor, while 16 Democrats voted against. In the Senate, all 27 Republicans voted in favor, while all six Democrats voted against.
Thinking from the biblical worldview, why is such a bill needed? Why should anyone oppose the bill? Apparently, the bill is needed to stand against those, who have an unbiblical worldview. That thought saddens me.
“Knox Pride”
Media sources have been broadcasting news about the bill. I have listened with passing interest to the local television news.
This article reviews online coverage from three local television stations. They are listed below, chronologically by original publication date.
First, see “Tennessee Senate passes bill that would ban drag shows on public property.” WBIR-TV, Knoxville, TN, by WBIR staff, published 1/31/2023, updated 2/16/2023. The article states facts and details.
It, however, includes “Related Articles,” which are:
'We proclaim love' | Knox Pride Interfaith leaders speak on anti-trans and anti-drag show protests;
'A Drag Queen Christmas' goes on at Tennessee Theatre despite anti-drag demonstration.
The “Related Articles” do present viewpoints that affirm the bill and advocate for it. They, however, focus primarily on points of view that oppose the bill. The “Related Articles,” therefore, are biased.
Second, see “Tenn. House passes bill banning gender-affirming care: The bill passed in the House by a vote of 77-16 and now heads to the governor’s desk.” WVLT TV 8, Knoxville, TN, by Daniel Smithson, Tony Garcia, and Ryan Breslin, published 2/13/2023, updated 2/24/2023. The concise article presents the facts without opinions, biases, or “spin.” It indicates that the ACLU plans to file a lawsuit against the bill, as if anyone thought that liberal bastion of immorality would not.
Finally, see “‘I thought better of Tennessee’ Knox Pride dismayed after drag, trans bills passed.” WATE TV 6, Knoxville, TN, by Hope McAlee, published 2/23/2023. This article expresses an obvious bias against the bill. The writer focuses on an interview with and comments by Knox Pride CFO, Nathan Higdon, whose agenda promotes an unbiblical worldview.
As a disheartening note, the “Knox Pride” website, under Spiritual Resources, lists eighteen churches, some of which are not in Knox County, that support its unbiblical agenda.
Moral pride in Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee, can be found when biblically moral citizens support biblically moral causes. “Knox Pride” is certainly named incorrectly, since it takes pride in certain points of immorality. Knox Pride, a tax-exempt non-profit, promotes “inclusion and equality for the LGBTQ+ ….” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the acronym LGBTQ+ as “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, plus (others).”
God's Pride
Chapter eleven of the New Testament epistle to the Hebrews is rightly called the Hall of Faith. In forty verses, the inspired author defines faith, honors nine people of faith, mentions six other people of faith, and encourages the Hebrew Christians to continue in faith.
Verses 13-6 summarize the living faith of those mentioned. Their faith looked for a heavenly country, a heavenly city. The conclusion in verse sixteen is:
Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. Hebrews. (NIV)
God was not ashamed of those people of faith! He had pride in them. Their lives demonstrated their active and saving faith in Him.
I suggest reading Hebrews 11:1-12:3 in the context of that epistle and in the context of the entire Bible. Verse 38 indicates that the righteous (or just) “will live by faith.” The reference is to Habakkuk 2:4 in the Old Testament. Elsewhere in the New Testament, the apostle Paul cited the same Old Testament reference in Romans 1:17 and Galatians 3:11.
I don't know about you, dear reader, but I want God to be proud of me, now and at the last judgment. I make no claim to perfect faith. As the boy's father stated in Mark 9:24, I too have stated to the Lord:
“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (NIV)
The entire context is in Mark 9:14-29. Jesus healed the man's son, even when the man's faith was weak.
The greatest challenge to my faith was shortly after my wife and I returned from our five years as missionaries in Russia. The article from 2/15/2009 is in my “Articles of Note” section for a reason. My faith was challenged. It deepened and became stronger. I sin daily, especially due to my strong-willed Irish temperament. I seek God's forgiveness daily. He forgives me. I do not, however, live in sin as a lifestyle. Daily, my faith leads me along the biblical path.
Any reader, wishing to converse with me further, is welcome to contact me by using this website's “Contact Form.” Our conversation will in mutual respect and understanding. I will not “thump a Bible over your head” or deride anyone. As one poor beggar, who found the Bread of Life, however, I will try to help you find that Bread, with respect and understanding.
Two articles in the Worldviews in Conflict topic section came to mind, when I started this article. They are:
The 6/26/2022 article. See under the “LGBTQ Pride Month” section.
The 12/15/2022 article, which affirms that God's law on marriage overrules secular law.
I reread those articles. This article stands by and affirms those words.
The apostle Paul stated:
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17, NIV)
“Inclusion and equality” are noble words. Unfortunately, they are often co-opted and used euphemistically as propaganda to coerce acceptance of unbiblical worldviews.
God seeks “inclusion and equality” in His kingdom for everyone, who comes to Him in biblically-based, trusting, saving, and active faith. We are all equal for we are all created in God's image (Genesis 1:27). Inclusion into God's kingdom, however, is by faith. Inclusion by persuasion or force into a point of societal acceptance is secondary. Society should not accept as right what God calls wrong. Inclusion into God's kingdom is the right choice.
How have you chosen, dear reader? I will be delighted to respond to any comments or contacts. May the God of all wisdom guide each of us.
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