
Friday, October 18, 2024

House Mountain Hike #192, 10-9-2024, Part 1: Happy Birthday, Addy! (published 10-18-2024; article #494)

Wednesday, 7/12/2023, 7:49 PM, photograph by someone nearby at Bootheel Youth Camp near Bloomfield, Missouri. From left to right are Addy, yours truly, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman, and my sister. Photograph included in the 8/5/2023 short story.


Greetings, fellow hikers, and howdy to my “adopted family” in Missouri! Last week, on Wednesday, October 9, I hiked the nearby House Mountain for the 192nd time. Inspirations for the hike were the mountain was calling, and I had to go, and the weather. Most importantly, I was inspired to hike in commemoration of an important birthday that day!

In this two-part series, part two will focus on the fallen trees caused by Hurricane Helene. This part one, the 129th entry in the Family topic section, is a gift for our “adopted” great niece, Addy, who lives in Missouri with her mother, Lesli. Her birthday was on October 9.

Happy Birthday, Addy!

Her first and middle names are Addyson Wyles. Family and friends call her Addy Wyles or Addy. Last year, Mrs. Appalachian Irishman and I enjoyed meeting Addy at Bootheel Youth Camp. The 8/5/2023 short story, “Charleston, MO, Family Reunion & Mission Moscow Reunion,” includes our first time meeting at the church youth camp. Those are fond memories!

My most recent hike on House Mountain was on Thursday, May 30th, as the 6/1/2024 article recounts. I had hoped to start the fall, winter, and spring hiking season last month; however, various factors precluded hiking. As Addy's birthday approached, I thought that it would be fitting if I started my hiking season this year on her fifteenth birthday!

Addy Wyles, our dear great niece by “adoption,” the first hike this season was to honor you on your birthday! My wife and I are proud of you, and we love you. You are a fine Christian young lady. May God bless and guide your path as you continue to grow! Your future is an undiscovered country that we pray is blessed by God, and that brings blessings to many!

Happy birthday, Addy!


These written birthday greetings are over a week late. My audiovisual birthday wishes were right on time and were recorded on the upper-middle bluff of House Mountain!

Check out “House Mt. Hike 192: Happy Birthday, Addy! (published 10-9-2024; episode 29),” Appalachian Irishman – Podcasts (YouTube)! That was my birthday present to Addy on her fifteenth birthday! Addy, in years to come, you can tell folks about your “adoptive great uncle,” who hiked a mountain for your fifteenth birthday gift! That was my unique gift to you. You are a unique gift to many family members and friends.

After the hike, I called my “adopted” sister, Carol Sue. As usual, we enjoyed a good, long conversation. Once my wife arrived home, she spoke with Carol Sue. I don't think that they talked badly about me behind my back! That's a joke, y'all! Sis. looked forward to watching and sharing my birthday greetings episode with Addy and her dear mother.

Up next, part two will focus on the fallen trees caused by Hurricane Helene. I photographed each fallen tree that blocked sections of trails.

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